the day

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~~~~~~~scarlett's pov.~~~~~~~

"PLACES! PLACES!" people screamed, I was standing behind closed doors with my gay best friend river walking me down the isle.

The music marry me by Jason derulo blared from the speakers. the doors to the house opened slowly and A chours gasp from the houndred or something people sitting in the chairs. I slowly walked out to the isle and smiled as I saw Jay standing there tears in his eyes.

River was the ol;y thing holding me back from running to him and jumping in his arms. I ended up next to Jay before i knew it. I kissed River's cheek and grabbed Jays outstretched hand. As soon as i touched his hand a bolt of electricity ran through my body. I guess that means the bond is getting stronger.

The whole time i didnt even hear what the guy was talking about because i was lost in Jay beautiful Electric Violet eyes. I couldnt look away. When It was time for the rings, I couldnt bear to tear my eyes away from my mate. I took his ring and slid it on his finger and repeted whatever the pastor guy told me to say.

He did the same and as we looked up at eachother he said

"I PRONOUNCE YOU HUSBAND AND WIFE, YOU MAY NOW KISS THE BRIDE!" and with those words, Jay leaned down into me and kissed me passionatly on the lips.

as soon as our lips touched sparks went flying. doves flew freely, and bells sounded. Jay pulled away and he lifted me bridal style and took me through the house to the white limo with the words JUST MARRIED written in a cream color.

he set me inside and closed the door before pulling me into a long hug. I sat in his warm and loving arms. I didnt want to move. I felt the bond intensify and too soon Jay pulled away and got out. I movied to the door and he opened it for me. He offered me his and I happily accepted.

By the end of the party thing I was trashed. I remember Jay helping me to our room.

"Hun, tomorrow we are leaving first thing in the morning. To a surprise place for our honeymoon" Jay said as I downed 2 glasses of water before laying down.

"Okay Mr. guy man." I laughed.

"Honey your trashed. go to sleep." He kissed me. I fell asleep in his arms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The next morning.~~~~~~~~

As we got onto the plane I grabbed my carry on and Went to pick it when Jay Picked it up for me.

"I could have got it. " I say sweetly

"Its okay I got it hun." He puts the carry on up top, grabbing my favorite book for me like he knew I was gonna get.

"Thanks baby, now can I ask where your taking me?" I said sweetly.

"It's a surprise." he smiled and kissed me.

And with that we took off from the airport.


Sorry for the short chapter. I haven't updated in a while. so many story's not enough time

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