chapter 5

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~~~~~~~~Scar's pov.~~~~~~~~

I left after ash entered my room. I knew what I was doing. I went to meet the angel. the one that killed my father and my mother. I grew up with fosters but I acted if they were my real parents.

I jumped from my balcony and onto my horse. I left ash in my room. I galloped on my horse. I was wearing a long dress that flowed behind me. my hair whipping my back as I went as fast as I can.

I broke throught the clearing and jumped off my horse. I murmered some words to her and let her go. she took off leaving me in the middle of the clearing.

"You came alone. I knew you wouldn't dissobey the orders sent to you." he appeared on the left side of the clearing, by the broken oak tree.

"Hello james" I replied. "What a shame. knowing that a beautiful face like yours will soon never be apart of this world again." he said as he ran the back of his hand down my cheek. I jerked my head away from his hand.

"Fiesty.... this is going to be a good fight." He said. "Especially since your part angel and part wolf. tell me what do you shift into?" He asked" A white wolf" I replied.

"Rare." He snipped. He scratched my face down my eye. I took that as a threat. I grabbed my dagger and slashed his had. He threw me backat a tree.

I stood and growled. I ran behind a tree stripped off my clothing and shifted. I ran to the back of him. and jumped out. gripping his wing in my mouth and ripping it to pieces. He fell to the ground and looked at me.

He grabbed my dagger and slashed my eye again. I bit his arm and ripped his hand from his wrist.

" im not playing anymore!" I growled. I sent that to him through a mind link we shared because of my family.

I pounced on him. He stabbed my right hind leg and dragged the blade down my leg. I forgot about the pain and Ripped his head off, leaving only his limp body on the forest ground.

I ran back to the tree and shifted into my clothing. I took off running before I passed out from the pain and bloodloss.

"I got you" Was the last thing i heard before everything swirlled into black.

I woke up in our pack house infiramy. "look who's awake." Aries the pack doctor smiled.

"Hi." I coughed. "whats going on." I asked. my left eye, hurting alot. I put my hand up to my eye to feel a jagged scar running down from my forehead, down my eye, and to the bottom of my cheek.

"You were in a fight with a fallen angel. you got hurt. Your right leg and your left eye." I looked over to the other voice in the room. It was Ash. his eyes bloodshot and tired.

"How did you know." I asked. " I showed up after you finished the fight. I saw you running from the area and then passed out. I took you here." he said. "I thought you were going to die' He sniffled.

"He killed my parents. I had to live with rentals for a long time. I only remember my mother and father faintly." I replied closing my eyes.

"oh alright." ash said. I stood up, I was still in the dress I had been in when I left last night. I kinda stumbled around. Ash picked me up bridal style and walked me to my room.

"Im sorry for all the years." he said. (i was 16 when I got here if it was something else before it was 16 now becasue she needed to be younger.)

"Its fine. Im used to it by now" I said. he winced

" do you forgive me?" he asked. i nodded. and asked him to stay here with me. I started writing down lyrics from songs that were so old. (this is the future)

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