Finding her again.

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~Ash's pov~

I heard jay and Scarlett's blow up. Damn she will never be able to live a happy life will she?

I found her hotel room. The door was dented and broken, there was blood on the walls. Glass shattered. All the lights where out

I heard a faint moan from the little space in between the wall and bed. I went around the corner to see Scarlett, a dagger in her chest, a silver chain around her wrists and neck Barbed wire wrapped around her sides, digging into her skin.

Her scar from before I died reopened. I pulled out my phone and texted jay.


Him: Whats going on?!?!?

Me: you'll see when you get here.

Him: be there in 5

Me: okay.

I lifted Scarlett from the floor, being careful not to hurt her. I couldn't take anything off of her.

Jay barged into the room he laird eyes on Scarlett.

" SHIT!" He grabbed her from my arms and took off out the door.

I followed to her lotus. I saw him lay her in the back seat. We drove to the hospital.

He had tears in his eyes. He threw open the door and pulled her out. He handed me the keys and told me to park the car.

~ jays pov~

The stupid slut that made Scarlett and I break up got mad when I slammed the door in her face.

I got a freaked out texted from ash. I didn't know what was happening so I rushed to her hotel room to find ash holding Scarlett who was oh my god

She was really hurt.

I reacted without thinking and took her to the hospital. The emergency room freaked out and rushed her to the op room.

I sat in the waiting room, ash came up and sat next to me.

"It's all my fault." I whispered

"It's the whores fault. If she didn't do that then you wouldn't be here. You'd be at home snuggled up with Scarlett." Ash said.

"Do me a favor?" I asked him.

"Anything to make you feel better" ash said

" kill the bitch." I said

" I have been dying to for. Year of so before I died." He said and with that he got up and left with an evil grin on his face.

~ a couple hours later.~

I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I fell asleep in the waiting room.

I looked up to see the doctor and Scarlett, she was burned on her neck and wrists, she was healed other then that.

" take her home, she can't talk. And her wrists will be hurting for a bit and ill keep your little werewolf secret because I'm one too." The doctor signed a release and let her go home with me.

"I'm sorry i love you and only you" I said. She grabbed the pencil and paper on her lap.

"I forgive you, will you take me back?" Was written on the paper.

"Forever and always." I said back. I called ash to come get us.

Within 3 minutes he pulled up next to us.

He got out of drivers seat. I opened the passenger door for her to get in. She mouthed thank you. I smiled and said your welcome

Ash climbed into the back seat. The way home was quiet.

Scarlett fell asleep in the car, she was curled into a ball on the seat, her head against on the head rest. She looked so peaceful. She stirred a bit.

"Jay?" She whispered it came out as a wispy noise because she can't talk.

"Yes baby?" I said sweetly.

"Is---- wedding-- back on?" Her words cutting out on her but I knew what she was asking.

"When you can talk again." I smiled as she layer her head back down and closed her eyes, her perfect and cute smile blaring from her lips.

" I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She wrote. I bet it hurt to talk. She laid down and went to sleep, she was so still she looked almost dead....

I slowly pulled into or garage and parked. I picked up Scarlett and laid her down in our living room on the couch. I laid down and soon she ended up laying onto of me, her head on my chest her legs tangled in mine, her tiny itty bitty stomach was on mine.

Her arms wrapped around me. Wasn't it nice to hold her in my Arms again?

<< yes, I have missed her>> my wolf said.

I Know you did. I said through our mind link.

<< I love her.>> my wolf said to me.

<< I love you too.>> her wolf cut in.

How are you cutting into my head? I asked through mind link

I figured if I was more then werewolf and angel there must be a way to cut into your head.

So I can hear your beautiful voice with you talking. And it won't hurt you. Great. I smiled.

I slowly lifted Scarlett from the couch to our bedroom and laid on our bed together.

I felt scar slightly shiver so I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close to me to keep her warm.

God did I love this beautiful petite woman who is strong yet very sensitive.

I closed my eyes an fell asleep with the most perfect girl in the world in my arms. And I won't let her go. Ever.

~ dream~~

Scarlett walked out of the bathroom and just then I burst end into the room.

MAN! I missed it.

"Trying to see me naked again I see." She smirked.

"Why can't I see my beautiful mate naked it is a crime?" I said

" you will see me naked when I think you deserve it. Mr. Luna of this pack."

"Mrs. Alpha. We will see about that." I lunged at her silk robe but she dodged quickly. I ended up handcuffed to a pole.

" next time you better watch out Mr. Luna." The she grabbed her clothes and changed in the bathroom before unlocking my hands from the pole

"Well. I thought that was fun." I muttered as she walked out of the room. Her hips swaying side to side

Damn she's fine! I thought.

I see why everyone is dying to have her. In lucky I'm hers. She is so beautiful.

I followed her out of the room and closed the door.

Then the dream shattered like a glass plate being thrown onto the ground.

I jolted upward and looked around.

Scarlett was screaming, her hands clenched in fists grasping at the bed sheets, tears ran down her face.

" baby Whats wrong?" I asked as I soothed her.

"They found me!" She said quietly. She threw herself into my arms and grabbed at my grey shirt.

"Who found you?" I asked her

" Ryan tsule the guy you killed or so you thought. " she said. Then she passed out.


Hey everyone.

I want your honest opinions

1) do you think I should continue with this story

2) do you think she should have Children of her own later in the story

And 3) I need a name for a new mate for Ash.

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