I guess ill write more.

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"Scarlett, i have to ask you something..."


"Yes jay?" I asked in reply to his statement

"I think we should do the wedding sometime this week We may have limited time with eachother so i ant to spend the rest of my life with you, its been 2 years." he said

"I agree, what about friday?" I asked.

"Sure." He smiled to me

I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him before grabbing lyric's hand and running to my lotus.

"Where are we going???" She asked

"To get you a bridesmaid dress and myself a wedding dress. Or do you want to be flower girl?" I asked.

"Bridesmaid. What about maid of honor?" She asked

" I have a sister as my bridesmaid." I said

"Who?" She asked

"Ridley, she's been out of town recently. I just told her telepathically that my wedding is Friday." I raced down the street and turned left, I went to the other side of town, joesepha, a new bridal gown store.

I found this Victorian, lace, long, beautiful wedding dress. I looked at it.

" hello ma'm how may we help you?" The blonde girl walked up to me.

"I am getting married and I need a bridesmaid dress. I found a wedding dress I would like to try." I said. I pointed to the long lace Victorian looking dress. She handed it to me. ( picture of the dress to the side

"This is the perfect one!" I said through the dressing room door to lyric

"Let me see!" She squealed. I smiled and opened the door and walked into the room with a million mirrors. Just kidding there are like 3 mirrors

"IT'S SO PRETTY!!!!!!" She yelled.

"Mrs, this is the dress." I said.

"You should check the price." The lady said. I checked the price.

"300,000" it said. I don't care it's perfect and I am rich thanks to my parents.

"Ill take it." I handed her the money in cash.

"Is that everything?" She asked.

"No, I need two bridesmaids dresses and a flower girls dress." I replied.

I found the perfect bridesmaid dress, but the flower girl, it's not the perfect one, but it will due.

We. Went home with the dresses and put them up in the closets. I went to the store and bought a whole bunch of cake batter and stuff to decorate the cake with.

I put everything up in the cabinets and told jay to get fitted for his tux. He left and I wrote out a Save the date for jay to sit down with me and go over.

~ dream~

I was walking down the isle, my long beautiful dress trailing behind me. Jay smiling at the alter. Suddenly the scene shifts, I'm wearing a dress, kinda like my wedding dress. Only it's stained in blood. Jay is holding a gun to someone's head. Everyone is dead. My hands were drenched in blood.

~ end of dream~

I woke up drenched in sweat. My breath was coming in short pants. Jay woke up looking at me strangely

"Babe is everything alright?" He ask timidly putting his Han on my shoulder.

"Yeah, just a bad dream. I don't really remember it." I said.

"Okay babe." He laid back down and I got changed into something dry before cuddling up to jay and fell back asleep.

I didn't dream after that.

I woke up and slowly got up. I put on my robe and walk out to the kitchen and slowly made a pot of coffee. Ash came in, happy as ever. Like I care.

Jay was smiling like an idiot. Why is everyone so happy.

" what's made you so happy?" I asked grumpily.

"Have you not seen what your wearing?!" Jay smiled.

I looked down at my outfit to see I was in a bra and underwear, they where both lacy. An my silk robe.

" and?" I said still grumpily.

"You look........ Sexy!" Jay said. Ash lighted and I skewered both of them with my eyes before drinking my coffee an putting on my camo shorts and camo crop top. And my black thigh high heeled boots on they were black.

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