A new beginning

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Lyrics pov

I woke up I a room alone. It was really cool like something I would have. I looked at the clock. 12:30 in the afternoon. I heard Jane giggling and heard a guy and a girl's voice who I didn't recognize. 

I opened the door and just realized I was in pj's that were white and fuzzy. I waked out to the living room and saw a really hott guy. I didn't see the girl though. I heard someone walking down the hall and My heartrate sped up. That's when a breathtaking girl, she was wearing a long sundress and 7' white heels. 

"Goodmorning, go get dressed we are going to take you shopping, I already took jane she smiled, her dark red lips making her already perfect teeth look even more perfect. she handed me a short sundress and 5' heels. 

After I got dressed I came out and she looked really happy. She was wrapped in her boyfriends arms. She looked at me and gave me the brightest smile.  She kissed him before getting up and grabbing my hand.

   I was afraid. that is when I remember what happened. she is a werewolf! and awesome looking one!

"Whats your name?" I asked, My long red hair whipping around in her lotus. 

"My name is scarlett lefaye moon, I am the girl who made the alpha wolf last night submit" she smiled.

"oh, I have read about your wolf, your the only one in existance! you get wings and everything!" I said excitedly. She looked at me and smiled. 

We pulled up to the mall and got out. we walked in and thats when scarlett's body stiffened.

"Well well well, look who it is." some boy came over to scarlett and touched her face. she jerked her face away.

" Do you mind If we steal her." He asked me. I stood still.

"I DO MIND, KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF AND WALK AWAY!" scarlett yelled, her eyes turning deep red. She grabbed his arm and broke it. then snapped his neck like a twig. Like 5 or 6 really buff men ran around her. she took out all of them at once and stood, fixing her dress. 

she took my hand and walked away. we shopped all day long and when we got home scarlett looked alittle pale.

Jay ran to her and grabbed her shoulders. her eyes were black and she wasn't moving. she started falling back but jay (she told me his name) caught her. He called someone and they rushed over. 

"She is haveing flashbacks that take her back as if she is living it again. this will happen until she is caught up with now." the pack doctor as they call it. 

~~~~~~~~~Scarlett's pov~~~~~~~~

  I saw a vagly familiar woman running with two girls. I tried to run after them but I was pulled away. I looked at the man who pulled me away. it was my father. But who was that woman. I heard a scream and then my father was pulled away from me. I was 4, I shifted whitch was unusual for a 4 year old. 

I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. I ecaped but my parents weren't so lucky. My father died and Im guessing that woman was my mother died. what about the two girls in her arms. 

I opened my eyes to see Jay, Lyric, and jane all hovering around me, asking me questions. 

"Are you ok?" Jay asked. 

"Im fine just a memory." was i said. I stood up and showed the girls around. I put the dog bed in the living room for the baby wollf. I just kept moving, I smiled and walked upstairs and blasted the music. 

I started dancing to the song holding a heart by the girl named toby.( the mirrors open up to reveal the recording studio.)

I haven't danced in a while so It feels good to dance. I senced a few people around so I opened my eyes to see jay, lyric, and jane all standing there. 

"No matter how many times I see you dance I will always be mezmerized by the beauty of it" jay said. 

Lyric was staring in awe.  and jane had her mouth wide open. 

"Hey jay, I need a new dance partner to make up for josh, are you in?" I asked

"I would love too" Jay replied taking my hand. I remembered that after 21 I will stop ageing so I will always look young. 

We started dancing and I heard Lyric humming along to the song. I stopped dancing and brought her up next to me. 

I started the song from the begining and started softly singing it with her. Maybe this is my family. 

I love them, but I also what a child of my own it would seem nice to raise it from a child

Maybe when Im ready.

~~~~~~~you guys think she should have a baby? sorry for the short chapter :)

I love you guys and I hope you guys vote and comment

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