17. When an opportunity presents itself...

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Admiral Niall answered the door, and did a double take at the young blonde at his door. "May I help you miss?" he asked, quietly.

Britney did a double take herself. Austin was almost the splitting image of his father. Instead of black hair, the Admiral was a dirty blond with blue eyes, apart from that, that was the future Austin. Britney grinned to herself, if that was what Austin would look like when he was in his fifties, she would be lucky Mrs. Niall!

"Good morning sir! I'm here to see Austin," Britney replied in her sugary sweet voice.

The Admiral nodded his head and held the door open for her. "Austin is in bed now. Why don't you take a seat, and I'll go see if he's awake," the Admiral suggested. Britney nodded her head in appreciation and sat alluringly on the couch.

Upstairs, Austin pulled on his jacket and his sunglasses, grabbed his car keys and hurtled down the stairs. And he ran right into his father.

"Austin? Are you okay?" the Admiral demanded in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine dad! I just need to go now. I'm so freaking late!" Austin called over his shoulder, already running again.

"Not so fast boy! You have a little miss waiting to see you," Admiral Niall called to his son, making Austin stop dead in his tracks.

"Thanks dad!" Austin called back, grinning broadly. He didn't expect Teri at all. He jogged into the living room and stopped short once his eyes landed on the pretty blonde.

"Austin!" Britney cooed, jumping off her seat. She ran to him, and enveloped him into a huge hug, kissing his face repeatedly. What the heck?!

"Brit...I didn't expect to see you," Austin mumbled, a little dazed.

"I heard about last night. You poor baby!" Britney continued, still cooing, annoying Austin to no end.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Brit. I really need to go though. How about we hang out later tonight?" Austin suggested, distractedly. He expertly twisted out of her grasp and began wiping his face agitatedly to remove her lipstick stains.

"Umm, okay," Britney mumbled, a little confused. It seemed like there was nothing she could do to hold Austin's attention. As she was thinking this, Austin had already taken off down the driveway and hopped into his Mercedes.

Driving like a mad man, swerving in and out of traffic, Austin made it to the Rubin residence in record time. He ran up the driveway and was pounding on the door in a matter of seconds.

Mr. Rubin pulled the door open, his face full of worry. It looked like he had aged at least five years since the previous night. The moment he saw Austin, he relaxed a little. "Is everything okay, Austin? You look like hell," he murmured, taking in the young boy's appearance.

The one thing that had always struck Mr Rubin was how well put together Austin always looked; perfect hair, impeccable clothes. And yet, here he stood, looking almost as bad as Mr. Rubin himself!

"Mr Rubin! I'm so glad I caught-" before Austin could finish his sentence, Teri was at the door, her face bright at the sight of her boyfriend.

"You're okay! I was so worried!" she confided, giving him a quick, embarrassed hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry!" Austin comforted her, giving her a gentle squeeze of the shoulders.

"Umm...Austin? Why do you have lipstick all over you?" Teri suddenly asked, her voice cracking a little.

Austin's hand immediately went up to his face. Shit! He should have spared a minute to wipe up properly.

"Teri, it's not what you think! I can-"

"No. I understand," Teri mumbled, the tears flowing down her cheeks unchecked. Before Austin could envelope her into a hug, she had turned tail and ran up the stairs.

Austin cursed softly to himself, closing his eyes. Mr. Rubin watched the exchange with raised eyebrows. He didn't have to be a rocket scientist to see how the dynamics between Austin and his daughter had changed.

Mr. Rubin held the door open for Austin who gratefully walked in, his shoulders slumped, and his face pained.

"Drink?" Mr. Rubin offered.

"Champagne please," Austin murmured without thinking.

"I don't know what you have in your home, but in this home, you don't drink till you're 18. So you'll have a coke," Mr. Rubin said simply. 

Austin felt his cheeks colour, "Sorry, Mr. Rubin," he mumbled.

Mr Rubin set the drinks on the table and sat down opposite Austin. "So, you made my little girl cry," he said after an awkward pause.

"If she would have just allowed me to explain," Austin moaned into his hands. "But that isn't why I'm here!" Austin exclaimed, shocking Mr Rubin. "I heard what my uncle said. He wants the money today. It's no time to think Mr. Rubin! Tell me how much you owe! I'll get the money, and you'll get your freedom. please!" Austin begged.

"Austin, I could never drag you into this," Mr Rubin sighed. He would never admit to the boy how appealing his suggestion sounded.

"I'm already part of this! That guy! He's my uncle! My freaking uncle did this to your family! To Teri! If you won't let me give you the money, what if I lend it to you? You can pay me back! Please!" Austin tried again.

"I can't..." Mr Rubin could feel his stand begin to crumble a little, and so too could Austin.

"Mr Rubin, whether you want to admit it or not, I'm part of this. Let me help. If not for your sake, for Teri, please."

"Three million," Mr Rubin whispered.

Austin felt his mouth hang open. Three million?! Why in the world would Mr Rubin borrow so much in the first place?!

"I can swing it," Austin whispered back, and this time it was Mr Rubin's turn to stare in shock. Three million?! And the sixteen year old boy before him had agreed to lend him the money?!

"I'll pick you up at twelve. I need to go get the money. I'll set everything up, Mr Rubin. Just let me help," Austin murmured, already walking to the door.

Mr Rubin sat paralyzed staring at the open door, long after Austin had gunned his engine and drove off. Eventually, shaking his head he made his way upstairs to comfort his heartbroken daughter.

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