10. Welcome to Casa Niall

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Agh! Stupid alarm clock! I moaned and buried my head into my pillow, trying but failing to ignore the constant ringing that was drilling itself inside my head. 

I knew setting the alarm clock was a bad idea... Maybe i should call in sick today. 

But Penny was expecting my story on the game last night! 

I groaned, the thought of getting up from my nice warm bed and going to school was not a happy thought. 

Luckily for me, I came up with an idea. Really, I could've kicked myself for not thinking of it earlier. But in my defense, I was half asleep at the time!

I was gonna send her an email. Simple as that. 

So, with a little difficulty, I managed to get out of bed. "I'll be back for you," I whispered to it, and headed for my computer. 

It tool awhile for it to boot up. I needed a new computer. If I fall behind on my school work this ancient dinosaur will take all the blame.

Finally, the apple sign appeared on the screen, and the familiar dings and dongs started playing. 

I flipped open my trusty notebook and found Penny's email address. 

I was about to compose an email when another ding sounded. It wasn't unfamiliar, but it was definitely unexpected. 

My IM had signed in automatically, and a message had popped up on my screen:

"Hey Teri. Sorry again for getting you home so late. I hope your dad didn't give you too rough a time. I was wondering whether you might want to come over to my place tomorrow after school? Just as friends of course. Maybe we could watch Star Wars? You could bring Dave if you like."

I didn't feel like staying in bed anymore. The name at the top of the message made my heart skip. 

Yeah... It was from Austin. 

Rapidly typing: "yes I'd love to go!" and pressed the return key, I groaned in frustration when my IM account malfunctioned. 

Well... There was always Facebook. 

I started up my search engine and found Austin's Facebook page. Soon I posted the message again on his wall and logged off quickly. 

There was no time to lose! I grabbed a towel from my closet and headed for the showers. 

No way was I going to Austin's house smelling like wet dog!


"Austin!" that stupid annoying voice called. Austin pulled the blanket over his head, maybe Stephanie would be dumb enough to not know he was there? 

That's when his annoying alarm clock began to ring. He was so tempted to throw it against the wall, but if he did, his dad would flip out. Again. 

Shaking his head Austin sat up. He had a hot shower then had an unnatural need to check his facebook. Once he did however, he was unbelievably grateful. He found Teri's reply and his mood immediately shifted from lazy to jazzed up. 

He couldn't help the huge smile that crept up his face. "I'm having a friend over from school today!" he shouted at his step mum as he walked out the door. Yup, he didn’t even mind the walk to school! 


Teri pulled on one of her few denim skirts, a delicate blouse and took extra effort with her hair. So obviously she was late. She tore down the stairs and ran up to her dad. He gave her a once over and raised his eyebrows. "Its a long story and im going to be late. Could you please drive me to school?" she begged. 

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