Day 15

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The KISS that sealed the deal

I was awakened by some noises of rocks being thrown at my window. I then checked my alarm clock and was shocked to see that it was just four thirty in the morning.

"Who could be the person playing trips at this time?" I thought to myself.

I dragged my body from my bed and checked out the window to see him with yet another stone in his hand ready to be thrown at my window. He didn't pursue to throw it and plastered a smile in his face after seeing me.

"Good morning B." He greeted me.

Rubbing my eyes, I replied. "Don't you think it's a little too early to be tripping with my window?"

"Stop whining and get on your running attire. I don't want to miss the sunrise." He stated as chuckles came out of his lips.

"Can we do it a little later?" I asked in a desperate hope of catching more sleep.

"Well, you can get back in bed, but I'll just keep throwing pebbles at your window." He replied with a mocking face making me roll my eyes at him.

After closing my window, I took a deep sigh and got on my running clothes.

"How can someone be so annoying yet so much charming at the same time?" I thought as tied my running shoes. Another stone was thrown at my window signaling me to hurry up. Chuckling at his persistency, I quickly finished with myself and walked my way outside my apartment where I found him waiting for me with a smug face.

"Happy Now?" I asked the moment I got to him.

"Ready for a little run with the laptop whore?" He asked teasingly.

"Are you going to outrun me again?" I asked.

Taking a step closer to me, he captured my gaze and held my hand.

"No, we'll run together this time." He replied making my inside go to an early morning frenzy. Gosh D, it's still too early for that.

With a smile, he turned his attention towards the street and started to jog. He was still holding my hand so I just went on running with him. We ran in a standard pace. Not too slow and yet not too fast. We still had some time before sunrise and we made every second of it count. He would turn his attention to me from time to time and smile whenever our eyes came in contact. It was nothing special; it was something ordinary but knowing that I was doing it with him made it magical.

We reached a park by the view of the Brooklyn Bridge and sat at one of the public chairs. We sat side by side and silently anticipated for the sunrise. Neither of us talked until the sunrise came and we felt the warm of its rays in our faces.

"Magnificent isn't it?" He asked as he looked intently at the rising sun.

"It's beautiful." I muttered making him turn his face to me.

"Yes. Beautiful." He stated as his eyes gazed over my face.

Again my heart pounded on how his husky British accent was used to utter those words. I looked deep in his eyes and my soul was captured. The only moment I got out of my daze was when he checked his wristwatch for the time.

"It's nearly six in the morning. We should get back." He suggested making me nod my head in agreement.

He took my hand and together we went back to our apartment.

"So what will we be doing for today?" I asked.

"Well, I called the orphanage yesterday and asked to bring food again for the children." He replied.

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