Day 2

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"Seriously?" Lydia and Samantha both shouted. We were currently in my room while we got ready to head to the club.

"Now this is bad." Lydia stated worriedly as she fixed her makeup.

"Bad?" Samantha scoffed,"Think of the worst thing that happened to your life, multiply it by two and still, this is even worse." She added. I just chuckled lightly and tried to figure out what to wear.

"You act like it's nothing." Lydia stated pertaining to me.

Shooting her a Black Widow's smirk, I answered, "Well, he's just another victim to the Black Widow Lydia, so chill."

"Victim? Well maybe this time YOU might be another victim to HIS games." Samantha emphasized after straightening her royal blue cocktail dress in front of the mirror.

"Ladies, come on. He's a guy. And have you forgotten that guys are my forte?" I stated and finally picking out a skin tight, blood red dress that dipped low to reveal my cleavage and was short enough to know that I would be pulling it down the whole night. Oh well, the price for beauty.

"Yeah, a guy who is completely invulnerable to a girl's charms." Samantha said sarcastically.

"I know what I'm doing." I snapped at her before going back to finish the touches of my makeup and hair. "I'm not new to this game. It will be fine. Now what do you think?" I said and showed them my look.

"Sexy!" Lydia grinned. "How about me?"

"Damn fine." I answered back. My girls and I will definitely be standing out in a crowd.

"So what's he like?" Samantha asked referring to the Deadman. She too was done with her look. Now all we waited for was her boyfriend to pick us up.

"Like just a random, ordinary guy. Nothing special." I said nonchalantly.

"As in? They were stories that he has the stance and figure of super model." Lydia stated which made me burst out laughing.

"I don't know where you found that source but he's not. He has a well maintained figure and a manly stance, but a supermodel? Please." I arrogantly smirked.

I wore my killer stiletto heels and took a view at myself in the mirror when Samantha said something that made my eyebrows furrowed. "How about his eyes? They say he has the eyes of Poseidon. The blue eyes that will drown you in love."

I turned to them and said "He has blue eyes but just like mine they are deep and deceiving. One look is all it took for me to recognize his slyness. Too bad for him, he will be the one drowning in love for me." I said confidently with a smirk on my lips.

"I just hope you're not biting more than you can chew here Jade." Lydia stated with a cock of her head, allowing her newly dyed, silver hair to fall to one side.

"Just let me handle him." I said, ending the subject.

"Okay, enough of that. Aaron is already here. Let's go ladies." Samantha said full of excitement as she giddily headed for the door. Probably more excited for her boyfriend, I rolled my eyes at her.

Walking out of my room, we passed by the living room and saw my mom who smiled and greeted us. I grimaced and ignored her.

"Hello ladies. You're going out?" She managed to ask what is the obvious.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked harshly. Her face fell and eyes dimmed.

Lydia elbowed me before turning towards mom, "Ah, yes Aunt Olivia. We were planning to head on this new club. Is it okay?" Mom managed to fake a smile and nodded.

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