Day 12

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Baked Cheese Cake

"You, doin' that thing you do. . . Breaking my heart into a million pieces. . .Like you always do. . ." the radio sang. It was 'Thing you do' by the wonders. Lately, I've been into classical music. I don't know why, but I guess D is right. The tunes I was into before didn't have any soul but this, this meaningful song can be played over and over again for the whole day and I won't object to it.

"Cause we could be happy, can't you see?. . .If you'd only let me be the one to hold you. . .And keep you here with me. . ." I hummed to the music as I slice the ingredient for the pasta I was making. I decided to make some kind of peace offering for the twins for the things I've done to them. There was still a little fear inside of me regarding what they had attempted to do to me, but D was right the word sorry could really make all the pain go away and even set someone free.

A subtle smile made its way up my face when I remembered my conversation with Leon.


He picked the call up after the fifth ring.

"Hello Leon. . ." I nervously initiated.

"Jade?" He asked with a shock and confused voice. "You got the nerve to even call my number." He continued now with anger and irritation written in his tone.

"Wait, wait, before you hang up, I just want to say some stuffs. Please?" I asked with sincerity.

"Your tricks won't work on me again Jade. You destroyed me. Not just my reputation, but my whole being." He lectured me with some pain evident in his voice.

"I know Leon, but—" I tried to explain but he quickly cut me.

"On second thought, I should thank you." He stated which made me confuse to answer back.

"For destroying me and making me tougher. Now, I realized that I am player and that I have to become better, so one day if ever we meet again, I would be the better player." He stated proudly and full of determination. My tears began to roll as I realized that I had made a monster out of someone who was really capable of being a prince charming. My cries went a little loud, enough for him to notice them.

"Are you crying?" His voice was now a little calmer and had a little of concern sprinkled over it.

"I'm sorry." I murmured between my sobs making him speechless. Dead silence was the only thing from the phone for a brief period of time.

I composed myself and wiped the tears from my eyes before speaking again.

"I was cruel Leon. I was heartless. I destroyed your persona, your credibility—I destroyed you. Leon, my father left me and my mum for some other woman when I was young. Right then I took a bow that I will make all of the guys like him pay. I will destroy their lives as my father has destroyed mine. But that all changed now Leon. Your past might have been cruel to you, but it is up to you whether to be cruel or kind." I paused and smiled after remembering what D had told me. "Leon you are an amazing guy. You have the charms and looks every girl would dream of. You could be the prince charming to the right girl. I know I broke your heart Leon and I'm sorry, I really am, and I know I don't have the right to ask you but please don't make yourself the monster that I tried to create you to be. Please be the good guy you really are. You might not show it, but I know you are Leon, you really are a good guy inside because I've seen it and felt it." I paused for a while and smiled thinking that he was also smiling at the other end of the phone. "Again I'm sorry Leon, I hope you find and save your damsel in distress, because I already found my prince charming." I stated and again silence enveloped our conversation before he talked letting me hear the Leon I once dated and somehow liked. The real Leon, the Leon that was so gentle and caring.

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