Breaking It

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Hey I decided to do a NaLu fan fiction only so no other ships! Let's get started! This is told in Lucy's POV


"Lucy dear, never go to sleep without my song," my mom told me.

"Ok mommy! But why?" I asked.

"Well because if you don't then the dark will swallow you, the light!" she tried to explain to the five-year-old me.
"Momma?" a seven-year-old me cried out at the foot of a hospital bed.

"Here I recorded this just in case I died," she told me and handed me a disc.


"Sorry... Lucy... dear..., "she said, taking her final breath.

"MOMMA!" I screamed as a nurse took me away from my mom and out of he room.

*end of flashback*

I put the disc into my CD player and pushed start before getting into bed. I listened to my mom's voice as I drifted off to sleep.


Yawing, I sat up and cut off the song that was still playing.

"What a dream," I mumbled. The dream was of me and my friends in a land of dessert.

I took the disc out and went to put it up, but I accidentally tripped over a lamp chord. I fell down with a thump.

When I got back up, I quickly checked my disc to see if it was okay. It wasn't, a long crack decorated the middle.

I tried to see if it would play still. All I heard was crackling. I pulled it out and it was even more broken.

I grabbed my phone and texted the girls.

Lu: Sorry girls can't meet today at 8 like planned.

Erza: What why?

Juvia: Yeah Lu do tell!

Lu: You guys know my disc with my mom's song on it?

Levy: Yeah, what about it?

Lu: Well I accidentally tripped and broke it... So I'm going to get it fixed... hopefully.

Erza: Well, when can we meet then?

Juvia: How about 9:30? Juvia's free then only!

Lu: Fine with me.

Erza: kk

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