16) First Day of Hell

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We arrived at school like zombies. It was clear Snape had waved his magic wand and completely changed the order and atmosphere of Hogwarts. I just hoped the inside and schedules weren’t too different from the year before when Dumbledore was Headmaster.

     The teacher’s lined up beside us as we marched up to the front entrance in our houses orderly. A few old faces of the teachers seemed afraid and unsure they should have stayed at Hogwarts but the new teachers couldn’t have seemed happier to be there.

     Snape stood at the top of the stairs ahead of us, looking paler than usual as he watched us with hands held behind his back. I was sure he felt so proud to be standing where Dumbledore stood. At that moment I found myself starting to miss Dumbledore and wished he was alive again to welcome us to another fun year at Hogwarts.

     But I knew that was only a fantasy now.

     As the Gryffindor’s passed Snape on our way in, I managed to catch his eye as I glared up at him. But he ignored me. His eyes lingered for a few moments on mine and I was sure he knew what I was thinking just by the look on my face but he was very talented in not caring what people thought or feeling how a human being should.

     After we settled into our normal seats in the Great Hall for dinner, the first years were quickly sorted but it didn’t seem the Sorting Hat was taking too much time out to really consider where each student belonged. The Hall was strangely dark and eerie.

     Snape was the last one into the Great Hall and he made his entrance long and uncomfortable. As he stepped up to the front of the Hall, he turned and silence drifted through for what seemed like a long time.

     ‘Welcome,’ he started, scanning the students. ‘To another year at Hogwarts. I caution you all that Hogwarts School will not be run the same way as when Albus Dumbledore was Headmaster. Things will be very different and with our new classes and teachers, we expect to see a rise in test results.

     ‘As of today, I have filled the position as Teacher of Defense Against The Dark Arts and have given it to Professor Amycus Carrow. Also the class will be renamed The Dark Arts and it is compulsory for every student,’

     At this, a lot of students began to talk in low whispers to one another but with two steps forward Snape quieted them all.

     ‘There are a number of new staff aboard this year so I do hope you all make them feel as welcome as you wanted to feel on your first day at Hogwarts. I can be sure many of you are shocked to see a former Potions and Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher to reside post as Headmaster at Hogwarts but nothing lasts forever. Considering the unexpected circumstances of his death, rest ashore, I will do as good a job as Dumbledore did.’

     As soon as he finished, he turned to sit in Dumbledore’s old seat as food appeared on every table. I was glad to see the food hadn’t changed since Snape became Headmaster; I was sure even he enjoyed the food they made down in the kitchens.

     I was happy to see people still talked and made conversation with each other and ignored the fact that it was obvious that the school was going to hell. It made me hate myself even more knowing that The Dark Lord wouldn’t have been far behind this.

     The Common Rooms hadn’t changed in the slightest and I was relieved beyond belief. At least everything wasn’t different. But the mornings were which made nights even shorter.

     Everyone had to get up at six in the morning for earlier classes. Being in the seventh year at Hogwarts, we didn’t get as many early starts as everyone else did. Our schedules were a lot looser than others but probably tighter than they used to be. It just seemed strange to me to see new times, new teachers and new classes on my timetable. I wasn’t used to this much change at one time; it was starting to make my head spin.

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