Chapter Seventeen

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I get through the day and have fun at practice. When I have dinner, I'm pleasantly surprised that my parents are actually talking to me.

"You're birthday is in 2 weeks, Jazzlyn. Any ideas for a party?" My mom asks me.

"I haven't really thought about it....maybe just some pizza and a movie-"

"Nonsense!" Gia interrupts. "You need a HUGE party! With lots of people and music and food! OOOOH AND PRETTY DRESSES!" She squeals at the thought and we all just laugh.

"I don't know...I'm not one to 'party hardy'". I say jokingly, but know deep down that I want a huge and amazing party. With Cody there.......

"We can start planning tonight and over the weekend!" Gia says a little too excitedly.  I nod in agreement and we clean up the dishes together.

After we both finish up our homework around 7:30, I head to Gia's room and we start to make a guest list.

"So, Callie, Maci, Leah, Rachel, Katelyn, Jessica, Chris, Justin, Liam, Ethan, and Austin for sure have to come...and Allie!"

"You can invite your squad and Cody too." She suggests.

"I don't know about Cody..."

"Oh come on! Worst comes to worst he doesn't  come, no big deal. He'll get even more mad if you don't invite him."

She had a good point so I agreed.

"Maybe you can fly Shae out here! I'm sure she'd love it!" Gia says.

"OH MY GOSH! YES. I haven't even thought of that!"

"Go call her!" Gia instructs me and I dial Shae's number. Shae was my best friend(and only friend) back in Jersey.

After a few rings she picks up.

"Hey stranger!" Says her familiar happy voice.

"Hey! I have the BEST idea ever!"

"And that would be?"

"Fly out here for my birthday party!"

She laughs for a couple seconds until she realizes I'm serious.

"You? Throwing a party? Are you...feeling alright?"

"Haha, yes. But you should defiantly do it! It'll be so much fun!"

"Alright, yeah! I'll ask my mom about it tonight!"

We stay on the phone talking for hours. I really missed her, and I haven't talked to her on the phone since I got here. I tell her ALL about Chris and Cody and Alli. Mainly because I've been on the front page of just about every gossip magazine there is and she wanted to know the details.

It got to be 11:00 and I was getting tired. I had a busy day of shopping with the girls ahead of me tomorrow.


"How about this one?" Callie asks, holding up a dress with a black background and white flowers. Around the waist was a black bow. It was mid-thigh and looked pretty classy. I wasn't really sure of the "theme" of my party yet. I haven't decided if it should be a formal dress party, or a casual one.

"It's a possibility!" I say and turn to Maci to see her choice for me. It's a tight black dress that scrunches a little at the bottom. In the middle is an artificial red rose attached to a ribbon that goes all the way around the dress.

"That's a nice one too...." I say, unable to decide. Leah and Rachel still had to show me their suggestions.

Maci's was a dark purple tighter dress with a baby blue ribbon around the waist. Leah chose one that was pink at the top and then flared out a little bit. The bottom had black and white polka dots.

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