Chapter Six

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I got back home around 10:50 and went right to bed. I don't remember having a dream at all, but I ended up waking up at 7:30 the next morning.

I sat up and bed and thought. Cody's career is important to him, and I agreed to fake date him. It's not his fault he doesn't like me, it's my fault for thinking he would ever go for a girl like me. So really, this is all my fault. On the other hand, he DID lead me on. He kissed me, and held my hand. So it is also his fault. I wanted to make things right with him, but I need to back up my words. If I didn't make him show me I could trust him, he'd walk all over me again.

Frustrated I got up out of bed and went downstairs to make myself a bagel. I didn't even bother to look in the mirror when I walked past it, knowing I would look horrible.

I set my phone down on the table and went over ot the toaster to put my bagel in. I heard my phone vibrate and saw I had a new text.


Alli: Hey, Cody wants you to come over in ten minutes.

Me: Okay...I just have to eat my bagel then I'll be over.

Alli: see you soon!

I closed my phone and grabbed my bagel. I ate fast, since I only had ten minutes to get ready. When I finished I ran up to my room and put on bright pink jean shorts, a black and purple checker-board short sleeve shirt, and black converse. My hair was a tangled mess, and there wasn't much I could do with it in 3 minutes. I threw it up in a high side pony tail and brushed it a little. I then went ot the bathroom and brushed my teeth making sure my breath would smell good, just in case I had to get all up in Cody's face. I left a note on the the fridge, and was out the door sliding my phone into my back pocket.


A few short seconds later Alli answered the door obviously excited for something, but trying to hide it. I stepped into the house and she bolted up the stairs, leaving me standing confused at the front door, and Cody coming down the stairs.

"Put this on." Cody said, handing me a blindfold.


"Do you trust me?" He said while raising an eyebrow.

I sighed and took the blindfold from him, tying it at the back of my head. I couldn't see anything, but I felt him put his hands on my shoulders as he began guiding me somewhere.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Just trust me."

Another five minutes passed and we were still walking. I was surprised I didn't run into anything yet. I started to relax a little bit, feeling myself actually trusting Cody a little.

"Are we there yet?!"

"Do you trust me?" I could hear the smile in his voice, but I didn't answer. He wasn't getting off this easy.

We suddenly stopped and Cody grabbed my hand and twirled me around, making me laugh since I couldn't see anything.

 He slowly took off my blindfold, being careful so he wouldn't pull my hair. Once it was off I squinted at the sun. When my vision finally cleared up, I saw a beautiful meadow with bright green grass and mutliple colored flowers. Under a big tree was a picnick blanket with a basket. Cody grabbed my hand and led me over to the tree.

"Is this another one of your tricks?" I say, trying not to get too excited that Cody Simpson was taking ME to a romantic picnick.

"Of course not! I planned this all by myself and made sure we were a long way from the papparazzi. I promise."

We ate in silence for a few seconds until Cody spoke.

"So....I got you here, from 15 minutes away, without letting anything hit you, or you  running into anything. You trust me?"

"Well....kind of I guess. I'm still nervous."

"Okayyy...Stand up."

"Okay.." I say and stand up.

"Now trust fall!" He said and spun me around so my back was to him.

I laughed and fell back with my arms out. He caught me and I looked up at him and smiled for the first time in a while. He lifted me back up and I fell back again. This time was different though. Instead of lifting up again, he just help me there and slowly leaned in towards me. I assumed he was going to kiss to kiss me, so I slowly closed my eyes and eventually felt a pair of warm lips on mine. I kissed back and I felt him smile as he pulled away, gently putting me back on my feet in the process.

"Trust me?" He asked again.

"For now...." I said and hugged him.

 He laughed and we sat down, continuing our picnick.

"I wanna know more about you." Cody said. I felt him staring at me as my face grew hot.

" what?"

"What hobbies you have, sports, favorite colors, interests? Anything!"

"Haha okay...well I like to sing and I dance a little. I don't take lessons or anything though. Sports, EW. My favorite color is black if you haven't guessed that by now! And I love music."

"Well that's cool! What kind of music?"

"Everything! Music saves my life!" I blurted the last part out unintentionally. Praying he wouldn't catch on, he began speaking.

"What do you mean it 'saves your life'?"

"Um...Well, I listen to music all the time. I meant to say it IS my life, not it saves my life. Sorry." I stammer trying to cover up for myself.

"You're a bad liar..."

"I'm not lying!"

"Oh really now?"

"Really! I should get home anyway, I have to babysit Tyler while my parents go out."

"Can I help?!"


"Yeah! I love kids! And I really want to meet you're family, they seem so nice and perfect!" He said smiling. Did he really just say that? I searched his face for any trace of sarcasm or humor, but didn't find anything.

"You have no idea..." I said taking his hand and walking home.

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