Chapter Sixteen

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I wake up the next morning 30 minutes early and I decided to take a shower and scrunch my hair. I haven't done it in a while so it takes me a few tries to perfect it. I put on one of Gia's sparkly headbands and put my outfit for the day on. By now it's 7:00 and I need to go. I give my reflection one last look and grab an apple for the road before hopping into Gia' car.

"Well don't you look spiffy!" Gia says to me as I get into her car.

"Why thank you!" I laugh.

"So what's up for after school today? I have Dance until 6, so should I just pick you up after practice?"

"Yes please!"

"Haha, sure thing."

Shortly after we we arrive at school and I'm greeted by Callie, Leah, and 2 other girls I don't know.

"Heyyyy Jazz!" They say at the same. I laugh and wave goodbye to Gia as she walks off with Dave.

"Hey guys! I"m sorry, but what are your names?" I ask to the short red haired girl and a taller dark haired girl.

"I'm Rachel!" Said the red head. "And I'm Maci!"

"Nice to meet you." I say, smiling.

"Shall we go to class?" Callie says, faking a Brittish accent.

"We shall!"

We all head off to homeroom, which I have with Maci. Rachel, Callie, and Leah head off in their direction and I take my seat next to Maci. We talk about cheerleading, and the sleepover we're having Friday. I learned that not all the girls on the squad get invited, just Callie, Leah, Maci, Rachel, and now, me. Ocassionally they'll invite one or two others.

After History and Language Arts, I wait for Callie after to chorus to go to lunch like she asked me to.

"Hey! You're a pretty good singer, I could hear you from my seat!" Callie says.

"Oh, thanks!"

"Anytime! Now let's hurry before the line gets too long!"


After getting our food, Callie leads me to a table with all the other girls. I could feel everyone watching us, and I assume it will happen a lot so I should get used to it. 

Usually there is only 6 spots at a table, but I see the people sitting at our table have pushed 2 tables to make more room. Theres a mix of guys and girls. Callie introduces me and I learn that the people there are Me, her, Maci, Leah, Rachel, Katelyn, Jessica, Chris, Justin, Liam, Ethan, and Austin.

"Hey guys." I say as I sit down. They all smile, except for Chris of course, but that doesn't surprise me.

I end up sitting next to Liam, who I later found out was staring at me the whole lunch. A little creepy, but that's okay.


"Alright girls! It's the start of the new season so you know what that means.....A NEW ROUTINE!" Callie says enthusiastically. We all clap and some of the girls happy dance.

"I figured the formation out last night. It's a simple triangle. We can have four stunt groups with one girl left over. We'll use her for tumbling. Our tumblers are Maci, Caroline, Abby, Mia, and our newest member, Jazzlyn. You all know you're positions for stunts, so Jazz, we'll figure out where to put you as we go along!"

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