Chapter Nineteen

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I wake up at 5:30 the next morning. I'm meeting Shae at the airport and bringing her back to my house. I lazily make my way to the bathroom and plug in my straightener. It's always a big project attempting to straighten my fussy hair.  While it was heating up, I opened my closet and put on my favorite pair of ripped skinny jeans and Victoria's Secret hoodie. By the time I finished getting ready and looked presentable, it was 6:30 and it was almost time to head out to the airport.

"You ready?" My dad asks me as I walk into the kitchen. Everyone is waiting with their coats on and we get into the car. I buckle Tyler into his car seat and sit down next to him.

Shae's plan lands at 7:45 and we arrive at the airport at 7:30. I would be tired if it wasn't for all the excitement I was feeling. I get to see my best friend again!

"There she is!!!" Gia yells, shaking my shoulder to get my attention. I smile when I see her and run to tackle her with a hug. By now the whole floor is looking at us but I don't really care.

"I missed you!" We said at the same time and then laugh.

"Look at you! It's look like a cheerleader threw up on you." She says teasing.

"Well, I am one now!" I laugh and give her a hug again. She's still the same Shae. Long blonde hair, big brown eyes. She was wearing purple shorts and a black short sleeved shirt.

"You girls ready to head home?" My mom asks after a few minutes. We nod eagerly and head out to the car.

"I can't wait for you to meet Cody and Alli! I know you aren't exactly a fan, but be nice. For me. Okay?" I say hopefully.

"Never. Just kidding, of course I'll be nice!"

We get home and I settle Shae into our guest room that connects to my room.  Once everything is unpacked, it's already 1:00 and we're starving.

"Why don't me, you, Cody, and Alli go for some pizza?" Shae asks.

"Sure! Let me call them." I say as I pull out my phone.

"Hey babe!" Cody answers after the first ring.

"Shae and I are going for pizza. Do you and Alli wanna come?"

"Yeah! We'll be over in 5."

"Alright! Love you, see you soon." I say smiling.

"Love you too!"

I hang up and go downstairs with Shae to watch to tv until they get here.


"This has GOT to be one of the best pizzas I have ever had." Shae says, wide-eyed. We all laugh and roll at eyes. She said that about 10 times already.

 "What time is your party again?" Alli asks me.

"It starts at 7, but all the girls are coming at 4 to get ready and stuff."

"Girls? What about Cody?" Cody fake pouts.

"You can come too! I just didn't know if you wanted to spend 3 hours with a bunch of girls talking about hair and makeup." I say laughing.

"True. I have to put a finishing touch on your birthday present anyway." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Should I be scared?" I ask.


I laugh and we pay for the pizza. By the time we all get home it's 3:30. Callie, Maci, Leah, Rachel will be here soon so Alli decides to stay while Cody goes to "perfect my present".

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