Chapter Five

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I don't know how, but I eventually found my way back home. As I opened the front door willing myself not to cry, I realized it was locked. I sighed and rang the doorbell twice.

I stood there for about a minute until Gia opened the door.

“What?” She said annoyed.

“Um, I live here?”

“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes and walked away. I just shrugged it off and closed the door behind me, running up the stairs.

I plopped down on my bed and saw there was a TV set up. I clicked it on and the Now News show came on. They basically just filmed random things that were happening live in Hollywood. I was about to turn it off when I saw a flash of blonde hair. It was Cody and Alli.

“Who was that girl back there? Are you two dating?” A taller brown haired lady asked Cody, putting a microphone to his face.

“Yeah! That’s my girlfriend Jazzlyn.” He said with a smile.

“GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!” I screamed. I really hoped no one had heard, but at this point I didn’t care. I just walked away like that and he STILL thought I was his “GIRLFRIEND”?!

“What were you two fighting about? She seemed upset.”

Cody tensed up for a second, but then quickly relaxed.

“We got into an argument about a party. Nothing major!”

“Well that’s good to hear! I’m sure all of your fans are excited to see more of you and Jazzlyn together!”

“I am too!” He said while smiling.

The camera went back to a black haired lady at a desk and I angrily turned off the TV. The nerve of that child!

I ran stomped downstairs and yelled “I’M GOING ON ANOTHER WALK”. Slamming the door behind me, I headed to the pier again.

I walked into the arcade and noticed a group of about 6 guys huddled by a game. I laughed and headed towards them. As I was about to tap the one guy on the shoulder, he turned around, bumping into me.

“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone else was in here!” He said, blushing a little. He was a good 5 or 6 inches taller than me with short black hair and light brown eyes. He was wearing his swim suit without a shirt on, and not that I was looking or anything, but I just happened to notice his six-pack abs.

“It’s okay! I was just going to ask you what game that was.” I said laughing, hoping he didn’t notice me staring.

“It’s PacMan of course!” He said laughing. I laughed too, and started to walk over to Dance, Dance Revolution.  I stopped when I got in front of it.

“You want to play me?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Sure! But I’m a pretty good dancer, be careful pretty boy.”

 "Oh so I'm pretty?" He said winking.

I just blushed and looked down, which made him laugh. We got onto the dance mats and he chose a song.

I have to admit he was a pretty good dancer, but unfortunately for him, I was better. I ended up beating him for 200 points.

We got off the mats and sat down on the ground, catching our breath.

“You’re a heck of a dancer kid!” He says to me with wide eyes.

“You aren’t so bad yourself!” I say back smiling.

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