Epilogue: Kunihiro

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Ryaka's POV

It was a bright sunny day and Ryaka is tending to her flowers at the garden on the side of their house. Its been 5 years since she and Kunimitsu Tezuka got married and moved in to this house. They had decided to permanently stay here in Japan, since this is the place that started everything for the two of them.

"Okasan! Okasan!" A high pitched voice called out.

"What is it?" She walked towards the backyard and smiled at her little boy: Kunihiro Tezuka.

"Otousan wouldn't let me score!" Kunihiro made a pouting face and slumped himself on the ground.

"There, there. I know that if you keep practicing you will not only score but you will beat your father in a tennis match." She sat beside him and laughed softly while messing the little kid's dark brown hair.

"I told you, don't let your guard down." Kunimitsu came from the side of the house.

Ryaka stood up and gave him a glass of water.

"Dear, you are even using that phrase on your kid? You are so strict!" She said while making a face. Kunihiro did the same.

"This little guy may look like me but his personality is a lot like yours." Kunimitsu Tezuka said while shaking his head. He sat down in front of Kunihiro and showed him how to properly grip his racket.

"Rye, don't you think this little guy has good eyes?" Kunimitsu said after a while as he picked a ball up and told Kunihiro to try and return it, to which Kunihiro happily tried.

Ryaka looked at her family. Kunihiro is indeed a spitting image of his father. The only difference is that their little boy is much more lively and wild at times unlike the strict and stoic Kunimitsu.

"He does." She answered as she sat back down beside her husband.

Kunimitsu softly threw a ball to Kunihiro and Kunihiro hit it hard but at a different direction. He squealed in delight as he ran to retrieve it.

Ryaka smiled. "I think we have another Seigaku player in the making right here."

"Hai." Kunimitsu gently put his arm around her and pulled her closer. She looked at him and his smile still mesmerizes her, even after all these years. She leaned on his shoulder and he gave hers a little squeeze.

~ FIN ~



Thank you all so much for reading my first story ever! I never really knew that people would actually read this and enjoy it as much as I did. Believe me, it has been hard to end this, I tried ending this story about 10 chapters ago but I always end up with new ideas. I guess I'll just have to incorporate those in the next stories that I hope to write. Hihi. :D

Again, arigatou gozaimasu!! 

~ Eia Senri

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