The mermaid secret

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TTyler's POV

Now this is weird, I should have never taken that girl's drink. I didn't even know what was going on! I had a definite crush on Pearl but since I had drank that drink, my heart was directing me to Bella!


"Tyler, dude! What's wrong man! You keep staring at Pearl! You know man, if you like her, ask her out! Anyway, Bella just transferred school, wants us to meet at The Cove" Colin said.

Our of the corner of my eye, I say a beautiful blond staring in my direction. She was muttering something with her eyes on me and holding something behind her back and she wavered her other above the object.

" Come on dude, lets head to first period." Colin said, directing my attention away from her.

After school, when I was about to join the others, The same girl bumped into me she kept twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes.

" Hey Tyler.."

" Who are you?"

" I'm Oceania"

"Great, I have to go now so.. see you around"

Suddenly, Oceania grabbed my arm firmly and pulled me back with a sudden force. I looked at her with confusion.

" Drink." she said rather demandingly. She held out a glass full of this dreamy purple liquid. Iy swirled inside the cup and mist was encircling it and formed a heart-shape just above the drink. Out of determination to get out of her grip, I swallowed the drink which tasted sweet but bursted into sour. She looked me in the eye with a straight face. When I felt a twinkling sensation in my eyes and felt it swirl, she smiled, obviously satisfied. Then she let go of me and I ran to join my friends.


That afternoon, at the Cove, I felt strangely attracted to Bella.When I reached home, I had banged my head against the wall continuously.

The next day, when I woke up, I didn't feel myself it was as if someone was controlling both my body and words from my mouth.

I couldn't believed I caused so much trouble. I wanted to let the ground swallow me up but that wasn't even possible.

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