The mermaid secret

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BBella's POV

"We are never ever ever getting back together, you go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me but w-e are never ever ever ever getting back together !" I rocked out my favourite Taylor Swift song, jumping on my bed with a hair brush as my mike frantically.

After the third time my alarm clock rang, I sighed and jumped onto the floor from my bed.

I walked into my closet and chose my flower patterned halter neck tank top with high waist teal denim shorts. I also added a high waist denim cardigan.

I curled the ends of my hair before grabbing my bag.

At school, A kid from my class told me that some one was waiting for me in the classrooms.I shrugged my shoulders thinking it could be my teacher who wanted me to hand in some homework.

I walked down the corridor for a while until I noticed people crowding around a door.But when I walked to the door, they separated like the Red Sea .

I opened the door slowly, and immediately rose petals came falling down. When all of them finally reached the ground, it revealed a formal looking Tyler holding a red rose.Boys were pushing each other to try getting a glimpse of the scene. Thinking it was meant for Pearl, I scurried out side and the second I was fully out of that room, sighs of relief were heard from the boys, and even I could feel the surge of hope in them when they realized I hadn't accepted his so-called proposal to be his girlfriend.

I entered the next room, hoping to find the person REALLY waiting for me.

Instead, I found a sobbing Pearl with her head burning in her hands. I rushed to her side and started the conversation.

"What's wrong aren't you supposed to be in the other room with Tyler?"

With hiccups between each word, she rreplied

" All .of. the. roses. everything, *pause* they. were. meant. for. you."

Th minute she said that, I was shocked and I could literary feel anger and pity sweep in my body.

Pity for Pearl not being the one Tyler loved and anger for Tyler hurting my best friend.

I stormed to the next room for an explanation from Tyler.

With gritted teeth, I said.

"What .have .you .done."

"What do you mean?" He said innocently.

My blood started to boil immediately.

"How about YOU go into the next room and see for yourself?"

He scurried out of the room but soon returned. Emotionless.

"What did I do!" he exclaimed.

"What did you do?! What did you do!? My best friend is in the next room,why? Because of you! sobbing, why? because of you!" I said shrieking, making my knuckles turn white.

I'm pretty sure the whole school was gathered here.

"Sorry didn't mean too! It's not MY fault SHE has a crush on me! " He put up his hands defensively.

"Maybe you should explain that to her yourself." I said sarcastically yet casually and sashayed off.

Authors note

Hey guys! Bella here! Mum gave me a break from my hardcore revision and let me use the phone so instead I wrote it today! Put your comments in the comment box of what you think would hhappen!

Share,vote, read its an easy thing to do!🐬🐬🐬🆔🆔🆔

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