Chapter 19 : A christmas present we didnt want.

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Hello , well i know that i said i wouldnt be uploading but then i decided not to just write it on microsoft and to just type it on here . This chapter is gonna be kind of sad :/ :( well i think so, i mean the title says it all! haha, anyway I'm going to try this new thing that someone has told me.

Not trying to be a biotch but for the next upload then you must have

more than 10 VOTES and

more than 5 COMMENTS !

Until then, there will be noooooo more uploads (:

Anyway enjoy this chapter as much as youc an haha (:

BTW , it's chirstmas since i wanted to catch up to the current date.

Oh and i honestly dont know if this is going to be a short chapter or not. 


Chapter 1: A chirstmas present we didnt want

"I honestly dont know what to get him." Amilia sighed as she placed a hand on her hip and starred out at the racks of stuff. I sighed.

"Well, what do you think he'd want?" Harpe asked.

"I dont know, we never really talked about it." Amilia admited

"You have to know something, I mean you've been dating the boy since forever." I rolled my eyes impationtley. I couldnt sit here at the mall for two hours trying to figure out what Matt wanted, I needed to go to the store and get Keith's present because if I dont get there in time then there wont be any left, which is a bad thing because Keith has been asking for this since...I dont know when. Also, this is late christmas shopping, which means there may be only one left! Chirstmas was TODAY! 

"Well how about some colonge?" Harper suggested. 

"What if he doesnt like what it smells like?" Amilia questioned, picking up the cologne and taking a sniff. "I want to get him something simple you know, nothing that's to fancy, he's not a fan of fancy stuff."

"Then...just give him something simple but that he'll like. I mean he likes the cowboys right?" I asked picking up a cowboys flat bill that was sitting on the rack, "If he doesnt like it oh well, its the thought that counts."

"Your so right! So, I'll give him the cologne, the hat and this!" Amilia quickly picked up a golden frame. I raised my eyebrow in question as to why she needed the frame. Amilia seemed to get our confused gazes because she laughed, "Oh, well you see, I was complaining about how we didnt have many pictures of us, and he said then just get something." Amilia shrugged and I nodded.


"Yep." She smiled, as she walked towards the cash register and paying, I began tapping my foot and then glancing at the clock in on the wall. The store will be closing in what, fifteen minutes and it wont be re-opening because its going out of buisness. It took at least ten minutes to get the store, plus traffic and if it closed then I'd die. Keith wanted this so badly and I wasnt going to NOT give him what he wanted for Christmas.

"Okay guys, let's head out." Harper smiled as he walked, arms locked out of the store.


I flung the door open and sprinted to the store, almost getting hit and having horns honked at me. I simply ignored it and pumped my arms. We were five minutes late! This cant be happening!

"Hey! Raine! slow down!" Harper yelled, I heard there footsteps behind me as I reached the door and pulled on it, but it was locked. Shit! I pulled again and then a lady came around a corner from inside the builiding and frowned, looking pretty annoyed. She walked up to the door and pointed the sign that read:

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