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lowkey ashamed bc ive been listening to cold water by justin beiber all day and its really good :/


i drowned down my who knows what number shot, feeling tipsy as the alcohol burned down my throat. i slam it down onto the table, excessively blink, trying to clear my slightly blurry vision. the music was loud and close to bursting my eardrums, but i didnt care. there were sweaty bodies dancing on each other, there are a surprising amount of people here on a thusday night.  i sat on a bar stool, leaning on michael who was seated beside me equally wasted. "dude ive got boy trouble," i slur, fully aware that michael knew i was bi. mike slowly raised his head from where it was pressed against the bar (with much difficulty i might add) to face me. "wassup mate?" he says, his eyes slightly unfocused. i let out a sigh as i bury my face in my hands. "ya know luke, my best friend?" i ask.

michael frowns, "thought i was your best friend," he pouts. it was true, mike and i had grown especially close since i first started working at the radio station. "you are, but lukes my best friend in australia," i explain. michael nods in approval and i continue my story, "and i think i might have a little bit of feelings for him but hes going on a date tonight and im all the way in london!" i exclaim, reaching over for michaels beer.
he swats my hand away. "m'sorry man that sucks!" he says.
"yeah..." i say reaching for his beer again, he lets me take it.
"i mean i know how you feel, theres this guy ashton--"
"ashton irwin? the cute radio dj who works the mornings?" i ask, maybe too loudly.
michael narrows his eyes at me, i raise my hands up in defense, letting him know im not into ashton. michael takes the hint and continues, "yeah, i like him but i dont think hes into me... i dont even think hes into guys! last i heard he was with this chick bryanna!" he rants, reaching over to take the beer from my hand and taking a big swig.
"when did we both fail at love huh?" i ask aloud.
"probably why we're here getting pissed eh?"
we're both quiet for a bit before michael speaks up again, "hey calum, you wanna have sex?"

it might have been the alcohol but the next thing i knew, i was straddling michaels lap, kissing him sloppily on the mouth. he tasted like alcohol and cigarettes (probably from when we got high earlier in the night), i probably tasted the same. i dont remember the last time i made out with someone, it felt nice. michael was a good kisser, just the right amount of tongue, but i couldnt help wishing it was luke i was kissing. his hands are slowly gravitating towards my ass, resting them lightly on my waist to pull me closer. he pulls away briefly, "my place or yours?" he whispers, kissing down my neck to my collar bone. "my apartment is closer," i whisper back, my lips chasing his. i feel him smile against the kiss as he stands up from the stool, his lips never leaving mine.

we're making out in the back seat of the cab, im wondering how i let myself become a cliché, but michaels lips are so good. one agonizing cab ride later, we stumble into my apartment, kicking off our shoes and undressing each other. clothes are scattered about my apartment, i think how quickly we got rid of each other's clothes might be a record. we fall onto my bed, both of us still pressed close to each other as we drift asleep.

the next morning, im dimly aware of the other person in my bed. all i know is that my head hurts like hell and my mouth is as dry as the sahara desert. i sit up with much difficulty, reaching for my phone which was blasting with my ringtone, american idiot by green day, which wasnt helping my migraine. i blink away sleep as i croak out a "h- hello?" which makes me cringe a bit. "calum?" i takes me an instant to recognize luke's voice.
"hey lucas, what up?" i say, clearing my throat, my head still pounding. i feel a shift behind me, nearly jumping out of my skin when i recognize a certain bright blue headed man. "oh shit," i murmur. "what was that?" luke asks, i can literally feel the color drain from my face.
"uhhsorryigottagotextyoulaterlukebye!" i rush before luke has time to say anything else.
"before you freak out or anything, we didnt have sex." michael clarifies.

i let out a breath i didnt realize id been holding in, "oh thank god," i say, quicly realizing how rude that sounded. "i didnt mean it like that, like youre an attractive guy but--" michael interrupts me with a laugh, its a nice sound. "its cool mate, we're both into other guys who might not be into us, we just took out on each other eh?" i chuckle, glad he understood.
"just please dont kick me out okay?" michael says, "i kinda dont have a place to live."
my eyes widen, "what?"
michael nods sheepishly, "forgot to pay my rent for like 3 months, landlord kicked me out."
"well your welcome to stay with me for a while, i coukd use a roomate." i say
michaels eyes widen, "seriously?"
"yeah, lets get some breakfast, we'll talk after," i say, "dont know about you but my heads killing me," michael nods, wincing slightly as he climbs out of my bed. in the midst of us getting dressed again, michael speaks up: "just so you know i wouldnt have minded having sex." i look up to see michael wiggling his eyebrows at me, i laugh, deciding id like to keep michael around.


no smut for you, i really enjoyed writing this chapter, michael is my fav. today, i listened to dudes talk about detachable penises in class, i love high school. but afterschool i hung out with one of my friends +a guy friend who i havent talked to in a while and we drank boba and ate snacks and it was really nice. im happy :)

are my end author's notes to long? idk

q: describe your dream guy or girl?

a: basically anybody who can make me laugh, theres a very high chance ill fall in love with you. but like nice smile (dimples are a bonus) and nice eyes and friendly and respects my interests  (and music taste). is willing to cuddle whenever and watch disney movies whenever and just someone i feel completely comfortable around. bonus points if they can play and instrument (drums, guitar, etc.)

can i just marry 5sos?¿

sending good vibes your way :) thanks a million for 200+ reads im cRYING!!! (crafting)

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