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what would you do if you were in my shoes? your best friend of many years had gotten this amazing opportunity of a life time to host their very own radio show, of course you would be excited for them! this was their dream and the role of a best friend is too support them. but, then you find out this job is in another country specifically britain, even more specifically london, and even more specifically 10,533 miles away from the quaint, little apartment you share with that best friend. half of me was happy for him (obviously) and the other half me wanted to get on my knees and beg him not to go. how exactly was i suppose to survive a year on my own without calum? hell, i could barely survive a weekend without him and even then we were in constant contact.

i remember the day calum had come home with the news, he was working a miserable job in a bowling alley (still balancing that with all the agonizing coursework from university) at the time, he always complained about how terrible it was and how snooty some of the people there were. i'd told him to quit, but he always said he needed the job, at least it paid well. that week he'd been working the night shifts so as expected he'd come home late.

i'd been lounging on our couch, strumming my guitar when the front door slammed open and in walked calum. on most days he'd flop onto the conch beside me and launch into another horrible tale of his day at work, but today i watch him as he toes off his shoes and tentatively sits on the last cushion of the couch and in a quiet voice he said, "i got offered a job as a radio station host of my own show."

i set aside my guitar and tackled him in a giant bear hug, "oh my god that's amazing cal!" i exclaimed, "this is your dream, now you can finally quit that awful job at the bowling alley!" this was calum's dream job ever since we were kids, i remember when i went over to his house after school, the first thing he'd do is turn on the radio in his room.

"it's only a one year thing, kinda like a trial? but the pay is good and it's a really wanted spot but they were really impressed by my interview and so they offered it to me and--" i giggle, slapping my hand over his mouth. calum had the tendency to ramble when he had big news. "i'm so happy for you cal, but words are falling out of your mouth too quickly for me to understand," i watch as his cheeks turned slightly pink (mental high five), it was always a big deal to me when i managed to get calum to blush as it was usually the other way around.

"sorry," he mumbled, "but i think i might not take the job." my eyes widen, did i hear him correctly? he might not take the job? "what the fuck calum?" i burst out, "you have to take the job, this is your dream!" calum sighs, "the job is in london and i don't know if i'm ready for something like moving so far away from home," he says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. i fall silent, this was huge, calum couldn't just abandon his life here in australia... "i mean i technically can..." he continues, "i have enough money and enough credit to get my diploma early, plus my parent's always encourage me and mali to go abroad..." he trails off, looking up to meet my eyes. "but i don't want to leave you," he says softly.

i shake my head, as much as i loved and relied on having calum around he needed to take this job. "you have to take this job cal, it sounds amazing and how cool would living in london be?" i say, "and don't worry about me, i'm an adult who can take care of himself!" calum smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he does, "i'm not so sure about that," he jokes. i lean over giving his shoulder a slight shove, "shut up!" i whine, "but seriously cal, if you don't take this job i'll never forgive you."

calum smiles, i realize how much i love his smile. "alright, i'll give the station a call and tell them i accept."
i grin up at him, "and i'll order a pizza to celebrate?"
"my kinda man," he says before wandering off to make his call. he returns only a few minutes later with a giant grin plastered on his face, my heart melts a little seeing him so happy. "i accepted and they said they're really excited for me to join the team!"
"that's incredible cal!" i say trying to match his enthusiasm, but on the inside it's just hitting me, calum is moving away... "pizza's on the way," i inform him. he nods in approval, settling down on the couch beside me, cuddling into my side. he's changed out of his work clothes and now he's wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of sweats. no matter how many times i see him like this, it still gets me every time.

the pizza is long gone and an old re-run episode of how i met your mother is playing on the television, just a regular friday night in the calum-luke apartment. but in a month (calum leaves for his new job in like a month) it'll just be luke's apartment, for a year it'll just be luke... so many things would be different with calum. i'd be living on my own, i wouldn't have someone to laze around with, i wouldn't have someone to go to the bar and scope for cute guys with (luke = gay)... i look down at calum who had fallen asleep on me. i wouldn't have calum. i blink back tears, maybe i should've asked him to stay.

maybe i should've asked him to stay.


author's note: okay this a longish chapter but i felt it was important to the plot cause now you know how luke feels! the song in the media kinda relates to the story? but its just an awesome song so i thought i'd share :) hope you enjoy!

all the love and thanks for reading!

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