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picture in the media gives me breathing problems ugh

lucifer: cALUM!!!!!

lucifer: CALUMMMMM!!!


oh calumity: what?

lucifer: i have a date!!!!!!

calum feels sick.

oh calumity: woah really? who is he?? i need details!!!!

lucifer: chill, hes this guy from work.

oh calumity: name????

lucifer: his names jared, hes new at work and andy asked me too show him around and i guess we just really hit it off?

calum didnt like this jared guy

oh calumity: id think so, he asked u out

lucifer: yeah :D

oh calumity: soo whens the big date man?

why did he care so much?

lucifer: this friday lol

oh calumity: r u ready?


oh calumity: calm down luke youre amazing, and if he cant see that then hes not worth it.

where did that come from?

lucifer: ur my best friend ur supposed to say that

oh calumity: im not luke, srsly youre a great guy

he means it.

oh calumity: anybody would be lucky to have u

calum decides he wants luke to be his.

lucifer: thanks cal :D ill text u about how it goes

oh calumity: anytime lucas xx

lucifer: ill probably skype u before the date tho

lucifer: so u better answer ok?

oh calumity: wouldnt miss it for anything

lucifer: i lub u cal-pal <3

calums heart beat a little faster.

oh calumity: same here luke <3

calum is shaking by the time he ends the text conversation with luke. luke... he misses luke... so much. he wants luke. like wants luke. but luke has a date. luke isnt into him like that. hes being ridiculous. why does he feel like crying? calum wants to get drunk. he wants to wash it all out of his system. nothing like a meaningless hook up to cure him right up.

calum grabs up his phone from his bed where he tossed it and sends a message to the only person he knows that would be willing to get pissed drunk anytime.

oh calumity: mcghees in 15? lets get drunk tonite!!

almost instantly after he pressed send, he gets a reply:

cliffocondra: my mannn!!! get ready to get ur party onnn!!!!!!


so theres this guy in alot of my classes and he is the physical embodiment of a fuckboy... and hes so damn annoying omfg. plus he looks like jacob sartorious, but his names sean so my friend and i call him jacob SEANtorious. his friends are all super annoying too (we call them shagcon) and today in mandarin i overheard one of them richard (dick) say he cant watch straight hentai??!!! first of, youre 12 watch ya doing watching hentai?? secondly, i guess youre name is richard (dick) bc thats what you prefer huh? i honestly wish i was kidding here...

q: what is your aesthetic / favorite things?

a: wearing your s/a clothes (hoodies), over-sized sweater / sweater paws, listening to adele while it rains (try itt!), and long car rides.

thanks so much for reading (im almost at 200 reads oml) and sending so muccchh love your way!

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