Chapter 27

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Hey guys hoped you enjoyed the reunion as much as I did only seen a few videos so far but I loved them even so. BIG NEWS TOMMY BRACCO IS IN NEWSIES LIVE YAYAY even more excited now not sure I can cope if they keep on adding so many amazing people! Anyway please please enjoy comment rate review and message! Britishfansie24601xxxxxxxxxxx

I moved my hand to the left my fingers flowing across my silk bedspread, my eyes flew open and I looked around I was back home in my room, I reached backwards to the throbbing pain in my head and suddenly I remembered,

"Laura?" I opened my eyes to see Katherine hovering over me, I immediately went to sit up but she pushed me back down,

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled as my head hit the pillow.

"I live here now with Jack." She said smiling gesturing to Andrew who lay sleeping in the corner of the room on a pile of pillows.

"Where's Race?" I ask suddenly realising he could have been hurt last night.

"He's downstairs I finally got him to leave you for a few minutes and what did you do? Wake up! Race!" she yelled down to him.

In a matter of seconds he had flown up the stairs and was squatting at the side of my bed a huge smile on his face.

"Laura thank god your ok!" his lips soon approached mine and we shared a kiss.

"Wait you are ok aren't you?" he asked quickly looking over me.

"Yes my head hurts a lot though." I mumble my lips dry.

"Do you want a drink?" asked Race willingly running down the stairs to get me one.

I laid there for a few minutes fully remembering what had happened, Morris was dead and it was all my fault. My eyes began to water as I thought of him lying there desperate to apologise to me.

My thoughts were soon broken as I heard shouts from downstairs and load footsteps soon came upwards towards my room and the door was soon open,

"Darcy?!" I whispered in shock as he runs into my room a small army of cops behind him and a whole bunch of angry newsies stood behind them.

"Laura!," screamed Darcy as he runs towards my bed scooping me out of it so I stood upwards, my feet wobbled as I stood there full of confusion, "darling have they been keeping you here?"

I couldn't answer as my head began to spin again full of shouts from the newsies and the cops the room began to spin,

"Laura!" I looked forwards to see Race fighting over some cops desperate to get to me I stepped forwards to reach him then my foot slipped from under me and soon the floor came closer and closer as I lost any balance I had left and once again everything went back.

They had bought me back here, I looked at my left hand the huge engagement ring trapped on my hand. I jumped out of my bed seeing that I was in a new nightdress and my hair had been washed and curled. I ran out of my bedroom and into Katherine's I sighed in relief that they hadn't taken her or Andrew.

"Miss Pulitzer?" I turn around to see a maid standing there a huge dress bag and make up tray,

"Mary what's going on?" I asked quickly.

"Miss your getting married this afternoon you need to get ready."

My jaw dropped,

"I'm what?"

"The wedding got moved forwards miss after Darcy got the job working as a correspondent in Chicago your moving there next week." Mary informed me her face full of sympathy.

"Hurry up Laura we don't have much time." I heard my father and looked at my father who was walking past Mary.

I looked up at his smug face my eyes full of fear knowing I couldn't do this.

"Father I ..." I began

"You know I've let it slide that your sister has run back to that newsie as long as I have one daughter to be proud of I will continue not to care, but if a second daughter lets me down I may not be so kind." He said smiling at me as he knew he had one.

He began to walk out of the door,

"Mary I think we should begin preparations soon." He said as he left the room not turning back.

I reluctantly followed Mary into my room and looked at my reflection in the mirror after she pinned up curl after curl so hundreds became gathered at the back of my head. I couldn't understand how I had come so far to get away from all of this only to be sat here now.

After applying my make-up I stepped into the beautiful dress the silk and lace blending together hugging my small frame perfectly complimenting my skin tone and setting of my brown eyes. Mary buttoned up every small button that scattered down the back of my dress and then left telling me I had a few minutes before we had to set off.

I laid backwards on my bed staring up at the ceiling desperate to feel any regret or sadness yet like always I became immune to emotion forcing myself not to care.

Then of course, there came a knock at my window, Race sat outside his face full of horror as he was what I was wearing, I ran over to the window throwing it open wrapping my arms around Race not even realising I had begun crying,

"Come on I'm getting you out of here." He said as soon as we pulled away his face determined.

"No Race you can't." I said softly removing my hand from his.

"Laura I can't let you do this, I can't loose you." He said re-taking my hand and looking directly at me with his sparkling blue eyes.

"Race he'll take Katherine back I can't let that happen." I said my voice wobbling in anger at my father my heart wanting more than anything to leap out of the window and run away with him but my head telling me how much it would hurt Katherine and Jack.

"I wont let them do this to you." He pushed.

I heard Mary coming back to the door,

"I'm so sorry Race." I said beginning to close the window,

"I'll find a way."he vowed,

I watched him run down the fire escape and closed the window my heart twinging in pain knowing this would be the last time I would ever see him. I turned to see Mary stood at the door holding my bouquet,

"It's time to go miss Pulitzer."

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