Chapter 13

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OH MY GOD I'm sure all of you know but my two favourite performers ever are coming back to newsies for a taping. I am praying to GOD it comes to the UK I think I may die if it doesn't!!!!!!!! Huge favour guys if anyone in the US or wherever you are gets any news about cast, or where its gonna be available please please please PM me or comment or review any way to get the news I'm so excited guys I hope you are all too, quick question who else would you like to see in the taping (for me its Ben Tyler Cook, Tommy Bracco and Andrew Keenan Bolger!) Anyway enjoy the chapter, British fansie 24601xxxxxxxx

A few days later I sat on my window watching Race disappear to sell his papers, this was the third time he came to see me and I think we were forming some kind of routine. I loved spending my mornings with Race it made me so happy at the start of my day and let me sleep at night knowing that I would see him first thing in the morning.

I was seeing Darcy again today for the third time after the dinner and I was terrified, I was always terrified when I went to see him I felt so pressured to say the right things and act the right way it was exhausting. I picked out a deep purple floor length skirt along with a white blouse. I tied my hair up into a bun and applied some make up, well as best I could without Katherine. I hadn't spoken to her in days I wish I could but she won't even open the door. I wish I could talk to her, about Morris. He confused me so much I didn't understand why he ran off so quickly after standing there watching my every move for a good hour yet when he reaches up and hands me a books he runs like there's no tomorrow. I sighed looking at myself in the mirror before walking into Andrew's room to wake him up.

I went downstairs with Andrew and we both got breakfast. When we finished Mary came in telling me it was time to leave promptly scooping up Andrew and walking out the door. I took a deep breath drank all my orange juice and walked to the front door.

I opened it expecting to see Darcy yet Morris stood there. Morris stood far back on the marble porch trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked presuming he had some sort of dirty deed for my father.

"To take you to Darcy, he wants to meet you at some restaurant downtown." He said blankly as if he were making a speech.

"Oh ok why isn't he?"

"I think we should go now." He snapped interrupting me and turned around walking down the stairs leading up to the house not waiting for me to follow.

I shut the door quickly behind me and fast walked behind him trying to keep up with his wide steps.

"So where is this restaurant?" I asked when I caught up to him

He gave me no reply just keeping his eyes front and walking along.

"Listen about yesterday..."

"We're not talking about yesterday." He snapped at me.

I stood there glaring at him,

"Fine then I won't follow you to meet Darcy I'll just go back home."

I looked at him waiting for a response, waiting for him to shout at me or pull me all the way downtown.

"Fine, I don't care." He said stopping and standing next to me.

"Wait you don't?" I asked confused.

"It doesn't matter to me it's your fault if your daddy yells at you its fine come on I'll take you home." He said shrugging beginning to walk away.

"No wait...." I said grabbing onto his shirt sleeve.

He pulled it away sharply, "What?"

"I don't want to go home, I don't want my father finding out I didn't go meet him."

He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Well at least not today anyway.." I said looking down towards the ground.

"Fine come on." He said leading me in the opposite direction.

"Where are we going?" I asked following him reluctantly.

"You'll see." He said before sharply turning his head and walking forward and we fell back into our walking silence.

We walked for about half an hour until we got to a huge building that read ' The Manhattan Public Libray'

I looked at him smiling at him,

"I never expected a Delancey to visit the library."

"No one does." He said simply before walking inside, he walked straight to the fiction shelves the librarian smiling at him as if they were good friends.

"Good morning Morris."

He nodded at her. I stared at him curiously until he sent me a glare,

"What are you staring at?" he whispered.

"Nothing." I said following him further towards the fiction shelves.

I searched through all of them taking almost every one of them off the shelves and reading a little bit on all of them. I wish I could take them home but I couldn't let my father know I hadn't been to see Darcy.

When I had searched through all of the books I saw that Morris was still sat close by reading a book, I decided to look for Little Women and finish the chapter I had started this morning. I felt a little Deja-vu as I noticed that it sat on the very top shelf. Thankfully today Morris was not in the way of the ladder that stood a few feet away. I slid it over to the shelf and successfully received the book grabbing it with triumph.

I began walking down the later trying to be as careful as possible on the thin mahogany steps I made it safely to the bottom. Then by foot got trapped in one of the narrow rungs causing me to lose my balance the marble floor rushing towards me my book flying out of my hand. Then a strong pair of arms wrap themselves around me stopping me from slamming the floor.

The arms steadied me upright, I quickly stepped on my foot to make sure it wasn't hurt to badly it strained a bit but it didn't hurt too badly. I looked up to see Morris stood there his eyes full of concern, I finally looked into his eyes they were blue like Race's but they were a lot more grey almost more pained but right now they were kind all the coldness gone.

His lips then crashed on to mine, it was so fast I couldn't quite comprehend it. I pulled away quickly not wanting it to be true, it was now my turn to ran away I ran all the way out of the library and in the first direction my feet would take me whilst ignoring the growing pain in my ankle. I looked back after a while to make sure he wasn't following me, he wasn't. I began to walk slowly following the signs reading central park I knew my way home there. A trembling hand touched my lips as I slowly processed what just happened.

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