Chapter 2

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Hello again fanfiction world, here is chapter two, hope you enjoy it as much as chapter one, would like to thank Music_Books_Sleep for their lovely comment and for following me and my story I hope you enjoy reading itx Ok I'll shut up now so you can read.

A baby? What is a baby doing in my father's office? The crying stopped as I stood there my ear pressed firmly against the cold wooden door, eager to hear what was happening inside.

"Now you listen to me Jack Kelly you've bought shame on my name once already almost destroying my reputation with your pathetic little strike. Your little stunt caused me an immeasurable amount of embarrassment. But now I refuse this debacle to come into my home to tarnish my reputation even more!"

My father shouted, I knew he wouldn't like the idea of the strike or be very accepting of Jack and Katherine, but it still didn't explain all the crying. My rapid thoughts were supressed as I heard Katherine speak up.

"Father if you had allowed me and Jack to get married this wouldn't be such an issue."

"Never mind that Katherine if he wanted to give his blessing he would have given it nine months ago."

Wait did Jack just say nine months?

"That's not the point Kelly the point is I have a two week old grandson, my first grandson an illegitimate child whose father is a newsie and draws pictures in the back pages of a newspaper. And you and Katherine are waving the child around the whole of New York for all of society to see and I refuse to allow it!"

It all makes sense now, Katherine and Jack have a child, a son. And of course my father is upset about it, well more about how his position in the all-powerful society will be affected. But knowing my father he is probably angrier at the fact he could not control or prevent this situation.

Jack soon began to argue back,

"See that's where you're wrong Joe. You know I illustrate, not draw, for the sun now that could get me anywhere, I could be bigger than you someday. So what if I don't earn as much as you or I don't live in an oversized mansion the point is I'll be a better father than you've been."

"Exactly," said Katherine, "it doesn't matter about the money we earn, we both have jobs we can support Andrew all we need from you is permission to get married and we can raise him right and be a real family."

There was a long pause, before anything was said again. All I could hear was a soft mumbling from Andrew, who I guess was my nephew. Within minutes of being back in New York I had experienced more excitement and drama than the thousands of endless minutes I spent in England. It was the most exciting thing that had happened in a long time, even if it was all taking place on the other side of the door.

My father began to speak again,

"Now if you two believe that you both have secure employment to support my grandson then you're both very wrong since I can take both of them away in seconds and you know it Kelly."

"You've been proved wrong before Joe"

He became angry then,

"Now you listen here Jack Kelly, you may have defeated me once before with your pathetic little strike but I guarantee I could destroy your career and stop you and all of your friends selling another one of my papers ever again!"

Katherine stopped him from going any further,

"Father, the sun have said they would never replace Jack, people love the drawings he does, no one could ever replace Jack I mean he's...."

Father cut Katherine off quickly,

"Oh please Katherine, he's an incompetent street rat who draws they're not that hard to find."

The silence returned, it was clear my father was gaining an advantage over Jack and Katherine.

"So now you two young adults are on the same page as me let's set down some ground rules then."

"You can't do that Joe he's not your child!"

"Ah no interruptions Kelly that is if you want to continue drawing pretty pictures for The Sun."

There was a clear sound of defeat as Jack sighed loudly and collapsed into a chair.

"Now Katherine you will continue working at the sun."

"But what about Andrew, I can't leave him."

"We will find a governess to look after him, a journalist doesn't have time to take care of their children."

I couldn't believe father was doing this to Katherine, his own daughter, making her leave her new-born son was just cruel. Jack saw this immediately and began to argue back,

"But it's our child Joe."

"Kelly, what did I tell you about interruptions, you will also continue listen working for the sun."

"Thank you father."

"You didn't let me finish, you will continue working for the sun not at the sun, you see Kelly that's my condition I'll let you keep your job but you will work at home then your precious drawings can be delivered meaning you have to stay away from Katherine and Andrew."

I stood there in shock, how could he be so cruel?

"No way Joe, you can't do this to us."

"Oh but I can Kelly you see I could handle your affair with my daughter until she found someone better but we all know that is now impossible therefore I refuse to have my grandchild raised by a street rat like you!"

"So what happens if we say no, huh Pulitzer. What if me and Katherine move away from New York, get married and raise him alone."

"That will never happen Kelly."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because I can bribe every train master and sermon in the country to stop you and I'll have you arrested if I ever see you with my daughter or my grandson ever been to jail Jack? I can guarantee it will be much worse than the refuge."

"Don't you dare talk about that place." Screamed Jack.

I can remember Katherine telling me about the refuge, it seemed so inhumane I couldn't imagine how something could be worse than spending time in the refuge.

"I'll say what I want to say in my own home, now how about I go find some friends of mine to escort you home whilst I find a suitable governess for my grandson."

"What do you mean Joe you can't do anything!"

I heard the sound of the door handle and didn't even have time to think before I flew into the room onto an expensive Persian rug. Jack, my father and Katherine, who was holding Andrew, all stared down at me in shock.


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