Chapter 9

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Hello lovely readers big shout out to AriannaLRJames for favouriting some chapters hope you enjoy guys!!!!

The theatre was buzzing with excitement. A sea of newsboys from every borough in New York all dressed in clad brown shifted wildly celebrating another year. Music was bouncing off the walls of the theatre, providing hundreds of excitable boys music to dance to.

My head was spinning everything around me was a whirl of movement and colour. I heard shouts of admiration and applause as a newsie stood on top of one of the gambling tables belting out a folk song at the top of his lungs another stood next to him his feet violently tapping out a dance to match the song. I stood there in awe for a few seconds before Race dragged me back through the crowd.

Hundreds of faces whizzed past me until we made it to a table close to the front near the stage, where there were two empty seats that I presumed were reserved for us.

The six other seats were occupied with newsboys. The seats closest to us were occupied by an older boy and a younger boy, who from Katherine's letters I presumed were Davey and his younger brother Les. Then sat next to Davey was a smaller boy beaming at me welcomingly, his crutch was propped up on the table so I guessed he was Crutchie. Then sat next to Crutchie was a boy wearing a pair of black glasses, that must be specs, who was sat rolling his eyes as the boy next to him rambled on about a girl he had seen across the room, so he has to be Romeo. The final newsie sat majestically in the final seat, I immediately realised this was the famous Spot Conlon. He began to stare at me his eyes analysing my every detail, I shifted uncomfortably, thankfully Race sensed this and sat down in the seat next to Spot gesturing for me to take the final seat next to Davey thankfully blocking Spot's stare.

"Hey guys this is Laura, she's Kath's little sister." Said Race introducing me.

Immediately I was bombarded with questions from the whole table asking me about my father, Katherine, England, Andrew and everything in between. In the middle of the interrogation Race had left the table coming back with drinks for us both. I drank mine slowly as a way to avoid answering any more questions.

The music suddenly climaxed becoming louder and Race pulled me onto the dance floor. I was terrified I had never danced in my life. Luckily Race was a very experienced partner and never let me go the whole time we were on the dance floor. We danced wildly for what seemed like forever until I quickly excused myself to get a drink.

I went back to the table to find that only Davey was left sitting there. I smiled at him in greeting and began drinking my much needed drink. I looked over at Davey closely and saw he was reading Pride and prejudice a book I had studied at school.

"How are you finding it?" I asked noticing he was about halfway through.

"I'm not really sure I mean I think Elizabeth is really annoying."

"What? How can you think that?" I asked in shock.

Soon we became deeply engaged in analysing the novel, me being especially careful to not ruin the ending for him. We were so enthralled I hadn't realised how much time had passed and soon Race began approaching the table.

"Well at least our love lives aren't as complicated as Elizabeth and Darcy's!" joked Dave as Race came and sat next to me.

I laughed at him, Race looking at the both of us slightly confused,

"What's so funny?" asked Race.

"Well me and Laura were just talking about Pride and Prejudice have you read it Race?" said Davey a broad smile still on his face.

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