Chapter 3

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Hi guys here's chapter three, really hope you enjoy it may be the last one this week as my prom is on Thursday (yes we do have them in England!) So as you may imagine there's a lot of preparation to be done, anyway hope you enjoy reading!!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxx

I looked up at them smiling slightly, what a way to make and entrance Laura.

"Hello... everyone."

My father looked down on me extremely confused as to why I was sprawled on his office floor on a very expensive Persian rug.

"What are you doing here you're meant to be in England at school?" he asked staring down at me his face stern.

I sighed slightly surely he must have known that I was coming home. I had turned sixteen a month ago training ends after that and you're released into society. But then I realised if my father cared so much about my whereabouts he wouldn't have sent me to boarding school in England.

Just before I began to explain, Jack offered his hand out to me, I took it gladly and he pulled me up off the floor with his strong arm.

"Hi I'm Jack" he said trying to smile at me despite the permanent look of anger that remained on his face.

"I'm Laura pleased to meet you," I said curtsying slightly whilst mentally kicking myself for being so precocious, school had really drilled manners into me.

"Laura I'm so happy you're home." Katherine said walking towards me, smiling, with Andrew in her arms.

"Me too Katherine." I said hugging her sideways trying not to squash Andrew.

"And this is your nephew Andrew." She said handing me the baby gently, he had huge brown eyes just like Katherine's his wispy curls were gloriously dark just like Jack's.

"He's beautiful Katherine."

"Laura," I turned around, still holding Andrew, to my father's stern voice to see him stood there glaring at me.

"You didn't answer my question."

I sighed under my breath, clearly he didn't care at all.

"I finished school a month ago father, they sent me home."

"Oh right." He said swiftly before turning back to Jack.

"Now as I was saying..."

He was interrupted as two boys appeared at the door, both had blond hair and were wearing bowler hats with nice suits. They stood there looking menacingly at Jack. Jack immediately tensed up and moved in front of Katherine. One brother looked slightly shorter than the other but looked a lot stronger he spoke first,

"You required our services Mr Pulitzer." The look on his face half smug and half sinister.

"Ah yes Oscar if you and your brother would be so kind to escort Mr Kelly out of my office then me and my daughter can start looking for governesses." Said my father as looked at Jack a sickening smile on his face.

"No way Joe I'm not having some stranger raise our son!" shouted Jack as he moved next to Katherine wrapping his arm around her.

"They'd do a better job than you cowboy." Said Oscar as he sniggered next to his brother.

"Shut up Oscar!" shouted Jack edging further towards the two brothers his arm still wrapped firmly around Katherine.

"Bring it on Cowboy!" shouted Oscar moving out from the doorway and striding towards Jack.

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