Chapter 25

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Hey guys back from France so a lovely human Gracie Miserables has persuaded me to carry on with my les mis story its on .net and called I must find so once I've finished this story I will work on that so go check it out. Also newsies reunion tomorrow woop woopxxxxxxxxxxxxx

(Morris pov)

I had spent all night walking around the block thinking of her. I hadn't stopped thinking of her since I first met her. I had never ever looked at a girl in that way before I had seen Oscar with girl after girl and I had sworn to myself that when I found a girl I would stick with her. I had just found her too late.

I couldn't comprehend why she wanted Race, he couldn't offer her anything he was seventeen and selling papers his life going no-where. I could comprehend why she didn't want me though. I had been so stupid to agree to this I had no idea where the idea that she would fall in love with me after I kidnapped her.

The night went on and I took the same route round the lodging house each time looking in on the poker night trying to see Laura, on my fourth time round I saw her inside, trapped inside Splits' arm, jealousy and anger immediately burned inside me, I walked into the lodge and took my place at a nearby table listening closely to what was going on, yet the sound of around a hundred newsies prevented me from hearing anything and when I turned around they had both gone both of them disappearing up the stairs.

It took me a while to get through the unwilling crowd, desperately pushing my way through them to get upstairs. As I walked upstairs I could hear Splits yelling from inside his room I stopped at the top of the stairs and listened but all I could hear was shuffling.

A loud thud sounded from inside the room I ran over to the door before it flew open past me and Laura ran out tears streaming down her face she didn't even look back to see me, running straight into her room.

I followed her silently as soon as I stepped inside I heard her bathroom door lock, her sobs of pain sounding from inside. I slid down the door my heart beating in pain matching hers. Yet my heart was full of guilt not pain. Guilt since I knew there was nothing I could do to her help now. But I was wrong there was something I could do I could stop it from happening again.

I sat there at the door persuading myself to do the right thing until the sun came up. The whole night I had heard her crying at each time I thought about letting her stay her pained sobs told meI had to get her out.

Her sobs soon turned to sniffles,

"Laura." I whispered knocking on the door.

"Morris go away." She said her voice weak and purposeless.

"Open the door you have to come with me." I persuaded her standing up to the door.

"Morris the last time I came with you I ended up here." Her voice now full of anger.

"Well I'm getting you out of here now." I stated.

The door opened slightly,

"What?" she asked softly her voice small yet a hint of hope traced it nevertheless.

(Flick to Laura's POV)

"Come on." Morris said shoving the door open and taking my hind, we went over to the windows and took out a pen knife and began working his way through the rust at the bottom of the furthest to the end the bar soon fell of the window and he caught in his hand then placed it on the wall.

He then reached to open the window wide enough so we could climb out, he climbed out first slowly trying to be quiet, once he was stood out on the fire escape he motioned for me to climb out. I hitched my skirt up so I could lift my first leg up and out of the window,

"What the hell are you doing?" I turned to see Splits yelling at me in the doorway before he came rushing towards me I braced myself for him to drag me back into the room so I would slam to the floor, then I felt a strong pull on my arm I turned to see Morris with a determined look on his face, Splits' hand then clamped onto my ankle I shook it violently wanting him to let go I looked back at Morris willing him to get me out. Soon Morris pulled hard on my arm forcing me flying through the window and onto the fire escape.

My heart stopped for a minute debating how sturdy the fire escape was but we weren't on it for long Morris soon had me sprinting down the fire escape until we were back in an alley running back to Manhattan, but like always it wasn't for long.

Soon we were both tacked by a very angry looking Splits throwing us both to the floor. Both of my arms were immediately pried behind my back two 'newsies' holding me in place.

Morris and Splits were soon engaged in a full blown tackle both of them rolling over each other madly, I stood there unable to move not that I wanted to though.

The two boys jumped up and began throwing punch after punch at each other yelling at each other as they did so,

"What the hell Delancey do you want to stop everything we worked for?" Splits yelled at Morris his voice burning with anger.

"I never worked for this!" Morris yelled throwing a punch that landed square on Splits' chin.

"No of course you didn't you just wanted to get under her skirts." Splits jeered stepping back slightly after the blow on his chin.

Morris ran to Splits to tackle him back to the floor, I gasped when I saw Splits' fist fly into his face knocking him to the floor moments away from unconsciousness. Splits then bent down low so he was level with Morris' rolling eyes,

"You know what Morris she didn't mind me getting under her skirts." He said a sickening smile on his face.

How could he say that? I moved forward,

"Morris I never..." I screamed refusing to let Splits make him think that.

"Shut her up." Demanded Splits and immediately a hand was clamped over my mouth and I was pulled backwards again.

Morris looked towards me weakly his eyes telling me he understood, my mind was put at rest for a moment until a gleam of silver came from Splits' hand, he was holding a knife.

I screamed in horror and fought to break free but with two captors I had no chance I looked on in horror as Morris' eyes filled with fear as he saw the weapon move towards his neck.

I closed my eyes knowing I couldn't watch someone die, I braced myself for a blood curdling scream but then there was the sound of the knife skidding down the alley and a huge thud on the floor.

I opened my eyes to that that Splits had been tacked to the floor by.

At home in New York.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें