Chapter 18

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Hey guys another chapter please read review comment like Message whatever suits your fancy still BEGGING for any newsies live news anyone will have and who people would like to see in it anyways hope you love it!!! Britishnewsie24601xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The morning sun came shining bleakly through the tiny window on the far side of the room. I had laid awake all night refusing to go to sleep next to Morris, I hope that the night would last forever because I had no idea what Morris was doing or more importantly what he was going to do.

The weight from his side of the bed was gone and I heard Morris roll off the bed slip on his shoes, button up his shirt and pull up his braces. I heard the sound of him pulling his hat off the bed side table and knowing that he was almost ready I slammed my eyes shut again as he came around the other side of the bed.

"Wake up." He said shoving me.

I opened my eyes and sat up slowly my body stiff from lying so still all night,

"Go use the bathroom, be quick about it." He ordered

I stood up from the bed and walked into the tiny bathroom and locked it, there was a cracked mirror on the side of the wall. I studied my reflection, running a hand through my curls trying to tame my lopsided bedhead. I used the bathroom quickly and washed my hands and my face removing the remainder of yesterday's make up and calming down my red eyes. I looked at my reflection and began thinking less than I year ago I would have been stood in a bathroom in England praying for some kind of excitement now I wish it had never gone this far.

Morris banged on the door with his fist,

"Hurry it up in there,"

I opened the door and rushed past him my head down, he then went inside the bathroom.

I walked over to the window and looked out of it the dirt on the glass preventing me from seeing the streets outside, but from what I could see I still couldn't recognise the street. There were more people around than last night so I began scanning the people in the street looking for anyone familiar,

"Get away from there!" Morris yelled running towards me. I pulled away from the window as if it were on fire. He approached me rapidly, glaring at me

"I'm sorry." I said as calmly as I could.

"Come on we're leaving." He said grabbing my arm the same way as yesterday and began dragging me out the door.

"Morris where are we going?" I asked again.

He carried on walking back down the concrete stairs ignoring me.

"Morris please."

He turned to look at me again, something in his eyes telling me he would tell me, but he just grabbed me harder and dragged me along faster down alleyway after alleyway until we came to a stop in what looked like a main street where a huge market was taking place. He shoved me back into the alleyway into a corner,

"Take your shoes off." He ordered.

I looked at him confused,

"Now." He said firmly.

I balanced on my right foot unlacing the boot on my left foot and then swapping feet and repeating the process before handing both the boots to Morris who then tied the laces together and strung them over his shoulder.

"Don't try to run all the way back from here, you won't make in one block with no shoes on." He said before stalking away down the corner.

I stood there frustrated at how intelligent he was. About five minutes later he came back my shoes still on his shoulder carrying two sandwiches, he handed one to me,

"Eat it." He said whilst taking a huge bite out of his own.

I broke mine into small pieces but ate it really fast, suddenly realising I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast the day before.

When we were finished he unlaced my boots and handed them back to me so I could put them on I put them on and we assumed the position yet again of him dragging me down dozens of alleyways until we finally reached a stop yet again as night was setting in.

We stopped in front of a building that was almost identical to the lodging house in Manhattan, yet this one was taller and looked much more un-kept. I looked at Morris confused, where the hell were we? But he just kept his eyes front and dragged me inside.

When we walked inside I was hit by a smell of strong tobacco and alcohol, much like I was at poker night yet it was much much stronger. The noise was deafening as hundreds of shouts and yells morphed into one. Suddenly it all stopped when all the newsies in the room turned towards us, but they weren't looking at Morris they were looking solely at me. I wanted more than anything to walk back out of the door but Morris had shoved himself behind me.

He removed his hand from my arm, but I wished he hadn't since all the boys in the room looked ten times more threatening than both the Delancies put together. He walked menacingly towards me eyeing me up and down I shifted uncomfortably and the huge newsie laughed,

"Who's this Delancey?" he said looking directly at me not at Morris,

"A friend of Race's." he said quickly not quite joining in on his laughter.

"Oh well she looks a little shy to be a friend of Race's" he boasted showing off to the group of newsies behind him as he walked closer and closer until my back was pressed against Morris. I didn't want to be stood so close to Morris but looking at the newsie coming towards me he seemed like the better option.

"Ice, where's splits?" Morris asked cutting him off.

Splits? Then it all slipped into place we were in Queens, Morris worked for Splits. I thought finding out where we were would stop me from being so scared but it did the opposite I was even more scared and my face must have shown it.

"No need to look so scared Doll," Ice said patronisingly stroking my hair

"Ice." Morris cut him off again.

"He's upstairs in his room." He said removing his hand from my hair glaring at Morris.

Morris then took my hand this time and pulled me up the stairs, my heart was beating faster with every step we took, we finally came to a door and Morris knocked on it three times in rhythm.

"Come in." the voice inside, Splits said powerfully.

We walked into the room, Morris pushing me in front of him. Inside I faced what seemed like a bedroom but right in the middle of the room was a huge desk where Splits sat beaming smugly, I stood there in shock, he looked just like Race.

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