Chapter 11

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Hi guys here's another chapter for you lucky people, please feel free to comment review favourite whatever you fancy, hope you enjoy BritishFansie24601

The rest of the day was pretty much hell, father gave me enough money to buy a gown for the dinner and sent me out to buy one with the Delancies as 'protection'. Luckily they had no more snide remarks and we walked to the first, and I would make sure it would be the last, shop in silence.

I rushed inside leaving the two brothers outside and went straight to the racks and picked out the first three dresses that would look like they would fit. I tried on the first, a navy blue dress that was far too tight, then the next a pale green silk dress that wasn't long enough and then finally I tried on a light pink dress trimmed with lace that seemed to fit so it would have to do.

I paid for the gown and rushed out the shop door where the Delancies stood there slumped against the walls of the shop, I stared at them in disgust for a minute before walking away with my head held high making it clear that I didn't want to talk to them.

They obviously understood the message and much like the walk to the shop the walk home was silent. I arrived at home and went straight upstairs to my room to hang my dress up. I then began to follow my orders and prepare for tomorrow I ensured my curlers were working, picked out some small cream flowers to pin in my hair, matched my make up to the dress and picked out some underwear and a pair of white boots.

Once I had finished I went to check on Andrew and found him awake in his cot, I began to play with him shaking his rattle making him coo and squeal it cheered me up immensely, I was just glad he wasn't old enough to know about the dire state of his parents were in. Supper then came far too quickly and soon it was time for bed.

I put Andrew to bed and then went to say goodnight, as I always did, to Katherine but her door was locked.

"Katherine?" I called out softly.

I received no answer, I stood there hovering for a few minutes in silence I tried knocking and opening her door but it was still locked. Reluctantly I went back to my room and got ready for bed. Staring up at the as I laid on my bed I felt the loneliest I had ever felt since I came back home.

Morning soon came, the blinding sun seeping through my curtains as if it was mocking me of my day ahead. I woke up got dressed and went to feed Andrew only to find Mary sat in his room with a bottle,

"Good morning miss Laura, Mr Pulitzer said you must take the day off to prepare for the dinner." She said as she gave Andrew his bottle.

"Oh it's okay I prepared yesterday I can take care of him until this afternoon." I said walking forwards to go take her off of him.

"No miss Mr Pulitzer hired some help for you they should be here now they were told to go to your room."

I stepped out of the room cautiously not quite wanting to go back to my own room now I knew what was in-store. I walked inside my room to see two maids in fuchsia dresses with white aprons and white shoes their hair pulled back in neat buns not a hair out of place. They had filled my room with all sorts of lipsticks and perfumes and brushes. They smiled at me as I stood there slightly awkwardly,

"We have drawn you a bath miss Laura," the first maid with blonde hair scraped back in her bun said politely.

"Ok" I said feeling a tad bit better, the bath sounded nice, like the one Katherine had drawn me by the looks of it these maid would have many more nice perfume and bath salts. I was proved extremely wrong when I walked in I was hit by a strong musky perfume that was worlds away from the smooth strawberry and coconut scent I had been used to. I reluctantly got in the bath but I couldn't quite settle in the bath. I waited in there for a good while until I heard a knock on the door,

"Miss Pulitzer I think we should begin on your hair."

I climbed out of the bath as quickly desperate to escape the harsh odour as I could and put my robe on and towel dried my hair quickly. I walked back into my room and went to sit on my vanity. And then the tedious process of doing my hair began. Each small section of hair was curled and then pinned into place to form an elegant chignon and my small flowers that I intended to place in my hair were dismissed for a set of pearl pins.

By the time I was dressed and ready completely, it was time to go. I walked down the staircase slowly not wanting to face what was at the bottom. I turned the corner towards the door to see Darcy stood there in a dinner suit,

"Are you ready Laura?" He asked as I walked towards him offering his arm.

"Yes." I said simply taking his arm allowing him to lead me outside and into the carriage.

The carriage ride there was anything but silent it consisted of Darcy's explanation of who was who and what should be said and shouldn't be said. The whole way there I stared out of the window looking at the city wishing I could be out there with Race.

The carriage approached a grand hall that was lit up in golden lights I had to admit it looked very pretty although the white stone steps that led to the entrance didn't look as pretty. Darcy took my hand leading me out of the carriage and up the stairs trying to be careful and stop me from tripping.

The rest of the night went down-hill as soon as we got to the table when Darcy introduced me to a business client an old looking gentlemen who looked as stubborn as my father,

"Mr Wilder, this is Laura my girlfriend."

I was not his girlfriend, how could he introduce me as that he didn't have the right to just because my father said yes doesn't mean he could tell everyone I was his girlfriend.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realise that I had been stood there pulling a sour look not only at Darcy but at Mr Winters himself who stood there waiting for me to curtsy or say something polite.

"Darcy I think Laura needs some air I shall see you later on." The man said his voice full of hostility as he stormed off.

Darcy turned to look at me with a mix of disappointment and anger although he tried to hide it by asking me to sit down.

The rest of the evening was definitely no better as I sat there silent listening to endless amounts off business talk and gossip running through my ears. This was exactly what I hadn't wanted when I came home yet I could see no obvious way out. 

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