1 My Savior

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A girl was on the streets as it was pouring hard. Her lifeless eyes once filled with happiness now replaced by loneliness and pain. A little boy about 3 years older, walked up to her.

"Hey whats your name?" He said holding out an umbrella to cover her.

She just stared at the boy looking down at her. Who is this? The little boy tried to talk to her again. The boy had blond hair that was slightly curled and ocean blue eyes that stares right at her.

"Um. I'm Shu Sakamaki." He held out his hand.

She glared at him and smacked his hand away.

"Leave me alone." She angrily said.

"I can't leave you alone in the rain. You might get sick."

She sneezed at the exact moment he said sick.

"No need. Just leave me be." She sniffed.

"Nope!" He scooped her up in his arms and teleported brought her to his house. She didn't notice due to her aching head.

"Drop me!" She tried to wiggle free but she was to weak to even raise her voice.

"I'm bringing you to mother!" He said with a smiling face.

Why can't you just leave me alone?!

They entered the mansion he lived in and found his mother.

"Mama! I found a girl!" He exclaimed like he just found a lost puppy.

"Shu!" Beatrix shouted. "Why did you bring such a filthy child here?"

"Shu..." Reiji, his younger brother, stared at the girl.

"If your keeping her make her you maid. I have no intentions of taking care of another bothersome child!" Beatrix stomped away.

"You should have never brought me here." She mumbled.

"It's fine..." He said.

"Shu. Take a bath your both going to get sick." Reiji ran after his mother trying to gain her attention.

"Let's go!" He was still carrying her.

The girl didn't complain. She had no choice.

"Here!" He gently put her infront of a door.

She remained silent. Still quite annoyed of how he managed to get her here.

"The water is warm now. Take off your clothes." He started to take off his.

"No." She took a step back.

"Why?" He asked already shirtless.

Her body quaked in fear.

"Come on I'll undress you." He said stepping closer to her, making her bump into the bathtub filled with steaming water.

"No..." She held both her arms to protect herself.

"Come on!" He grinned and took off her shirt.

She immidiately fell in the tub with her back turned from him.

"Don't look at me!" She shouted with tears forming in her eyes

"You..." He stared wide eyes at her scarred back. It looked like whip marks. "Who did this to you?!"

"No one..." She replied quietly.

"I'm sorry for scaring you...you can tell me later." He went in the tub and hugged the crying girl.

After a few moments the little girl finally spoke up.

"I'm Melody Yuma." She said quietly.

"Nice to meet you." He grinned cheerfully at the girl. "How old are you? I'm 10."

"I'm 7." She said.

"Can you tell me how you got these scars?" He said cleaning her back.

"Um...My father did this. Ever since mom died father has been doing this to me." He noticed that she shivered slightly. "I had enough so I ran away."

"How long were you out there in the streets?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"I don't know. Maybe a month?"

"You must have been really lonely."

"Um...Shu-s-sama I'll wash your back."

"Okay!" He turned around and she started rubbing his back. "If you were wondering the kid you saw with the glasses was my brother and I have a lot more."

"May you tell me about them?" She started to open up a little.

"Well first of I am the oldest out of all of them. Reiji is my little brother, the one with the glasses. There is Ayato, Laito and Kanato the triplets. Ayato has reddish hair and a bit arrogant. Laito has reddish brown hair and is a flirt. Kanato has light purple hair. He brings around a teddy bear named Teddy. Then last is Subaru has white hair, well more of slivery I suppose. That's all of us!"

"S-so many." She was surprised.

"Well our father married 3 women. So were all kind of a weird mix-up family." He scratched the back of his head. "Anyway we have to get out now. I want to tell father about you."

"A-alright." She was provided with a simple white dress. As for Shu he had a white polo and black shorts. She helped him put his clothes on.

"Father!" Shu took her hand and ran towards a room with big door.

They entered the room and found 3 grown women sitting on the chairs and a man sitting on a chair. There was a tense atmosphere which they both interruped.

"What do you want right now Shu?" His mother asked obviously pissed.

"M-mother I want to introduce Melody to father..." He said in a small voice.

"Can you not see we are busy right now?! Your supposed to be studying and being smart but your here taking care of trash! YOUR A WORTHLESS SON!" She raised her hand to slap him but Melody stood in the way and she got slapped instead.

"You may call me trash anytime my lady, but don't call my savior worthless." She glared at Beatrix.

"You trash!" She raised her hand again ready to smack her but then Shu wrapped his arm around her protecting her.

"BEATRIX STOP THIS AT ONCE!" The man shouted and her hand stopped in midair. "Leave us. All of you."

There was power and authority in his voice as all the women bowed and exited the room with Beatrix still glaring at her.

"I'm sorry for that. Did it hurt?" The man walked over to both of them and touched the girls cheek.

"No I'm fine, mister." She bowed in respect.

"Melody! Never do that again! I was supposed to get hit not you so why..." Shu's voice was cracking.

"Shu-sama." She touched foreheads with him. "I am yours to use however you want. I am your maid." She had a slight smile on.

"Ehem. Can you tell me your name?" The man interrupted.

"I am Melody Yuma, mister." She bowed once again.

"Hello Melody. I'm Karlheinz father of all the brothers." He looked at the girl with kind gold eyes and long glistening white hair.

"Father! I want her to stay here is it okay?" Shu asked excited.

"Of course but does she know who we really are?" He asked the blond haired boy who turned pale.

"Shu-sama? Karlheinz-sama what do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"M-melody, you see. Um..we are...uhhh." He was lost for words.

"We are vampires and I am the vampire king." Karlheinz said in a powerful tone. The tone of authority.

"Impossible...vampires?" She stared wide eyed at the both of them.

"I'm sorry for not telling you." Shu looked at the floor saddened.


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