Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Although Marcus couldn’t be with Brindle, he was able to maintain contact with her by staying in her mind.  He had little to do in regards to helping the Shadow Man, he was in fact somewhat bored, so he exercised to maintain his strength and keep his skills sharp.

He longed to be by her side but knew that the next time he was, it might be to fight and he did not relish the prospect of this as he did not know what the outcome would be.  He wanted Brindle safe, unharmed and yet to keep her away from harm would be to deny her destiny. 

The Spirit Man sensed the turmoil in Marcus and beckoned him to sit by his fire.  “You must relax Guardian, close your eyes and push your thoughts away.  Drift in the outer-realm Marcus and let your mind calm itself.”

Marcus did as the Spirit Man said and when he released himself to the outer-realm he found peace for a time.  He was able to go about his daily duties without becoming edgy or overly concerned for Brindle and this in turn helped him deal with being separated from her as well. 

He kept the link between them open and although he didn’t contact her she would send him messaged, updates of how things were with her and Brae and yes Arias.  Marcus grinned when he thought of Arias; he was so cock sure of himself and how best to handle the protection and guidance of ‘The Keeper’.  He had come a long way in just a short time.


Arias looked on as Brindle and Brae sparred in her garden.  She had insisted that they return there as there hadn’t been any hint of evil during the few days they’d spent in the basement gym after she’d agreed to Arias being her Guardian for the time being.

He noted her strengths and her weaknesses and nodded with satisfaction when he noted that her strengths now far outnumbered her weaknesses.  Arias had no idea when or even what they would have to face when the time came, but he agreed with Marcus in that Brindle needed to be ready for anything.

To his credit Arias taught her all he knew about fighting Guardians as well as lesser Angels and when she asked about Arch’s he was at first astounded that she’d asked.  Arch’s after all were the highest level of Angel possible and as such above becoming involved at the level they were preparing for.

“Why,” Brindle began yet again.  “Why is it beneath the Arch’s to get involved?  I mean if they are so powerful, couldn’t they just end all this?”

She waited for Arias to answer her and she could see him struggle for an answer, so instead of giving her one he taught her all he knew about Arch’s.  She didn’t know all the Archangels names, just a few.  The main ones as she put it.

Firstly there was Gabriel the highest Arch of all, he was the one that it was told sat at the right hand of God.  Then there was Michael, she couldn’t believe that he wouldn’t want to join forces with her.  After all he was the one who tossed Lucifer out of Heaven in the first place.  Michael was the very first Warrior!

Arias sighed and wondered if she would ever tire of asking questions.  “The Arch’s fought millennia ago.  So long ago now that few now remember.  They led the fight pushing Lucifer out of the Heavens.  It was a vision to behold little one!  A vision that I doubt will ever be repeated.”

“But I thought Michael led that battle?”

“You are correct, Michael did lead the battle, but there were many Arch’s with him and behind them were Guardians and lesser Angels.” He sighed and his eyes seemed to glaze over for a moment as if he were remembering. Then he looked at her all serious, “The “Keeper wanted to stand by Michael and fight, she said it was her right to do so and she was correct it was her right.”  Arias looked to the sky then watching, waiting for what Brindle had no clue.

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