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"Man, that pizza was really good." I comment as I button up my pajama shirt.

"I told you it was going to be worth it. Tae-oppa knows how to order those well." Hannah grins as she spreads her bed sheets. "He looked so amused looking at your reaction, though."

"Can you blame me?" I say as I fix my pillow. "Bless that pizza."

"He seems to like you a lot." She mentions.

"Don't jump into stupid conclusions, Hannah Kim. I just met the guy."

"I'm serious! He was never this clingy with anyone before aside from the boys. Let alone girls. He's always been awkward with them, though he's usually cheerful and very independent. At least when Jin oppa was still around..." Hannah expresses her feelings with a sad smile. "Ever since the accident, he hasn't been himself."

"Have you found out about the blood stains on his clothes?" I sit up on the mattress.

She presses her lips on a thin line before speaking. "No... I asked Namjoon and he just told me it wasn't of great importance. He knows something, though. Something he is covering to protect Taehyung."

"I've been meaning to ask you, what happened to your friend Hoseok?" I felt like it was the appropriate time to ask her. After all, it was never clear to me since he looked perfectly fine when we paid him a visit earlier.

"From what he told me, he took aspirin for terrible muscular pain, but didn't know how much to take nor how much a dose was, so once he went to the pharmacy to buy pain reliever cream, he became drowsy and collapsed on the street." She explains. "The idiot went into a coma until yesterday evening."

A coma.

"I don't understand why these people do stupid shit. I can't believe I'm related to one of them." She sighs. "If Kim Seokjin was here, they'd be the most civilized children you could ever meet."

There it is, that name again.

"That's Jin... Oppa's real name, right?" I dare to interrogate about it. I know I shouldn't be doing such, but I crave for more information about this guy. I want to know if my suspicions are right and it's the same ghost I've been speaking to these days.

"Uh-huh, same person."

It has to be him.

"Do you mind... telling me more about him?" I carefully ask.

"What is there to tell you? He was the kindest person you could ever meet. Crazy for food and the color pink." She smiles as she describes the boy. "Was very sassy at times, made the worst jokes, cooked great dishes..."

"He sounds like a mom." I try to hold my laugh out of respect, but as soon as Hannah laughs, the atmosphere eases out.

"He was sort of like a mother, he was the oldest in the group after all."

"How old was he?"

"Twenty-four... Well, Korean age. He was actually going to turn twenty-three in December."

"He was so young..." I murmur. "and his birthday is next month... Gosh, that is horrible."

"I just can't believe it, you know?" Hannah shakes her head. "I can't believe how the life of the most kindest, sweetest, and caring human in the whole damn world... Would end in a blink of an eye..." Her voice almost cracks, and tears threaten to fall. It makes my heart ache. It's clear that Kim Seokjin has made a great impact in her life.

The Butterfly Effect | 방탄소년단 (BTS) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now