Chapter 19

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I hope that this longest chapter yet (over 4,000 words—practically a double-chapter with some REAL ANSWERS to some nagging questions) will make up for my not posting over the Christmas weekend....


Chapter 19

I didn't sleep all night. I was too afraid to move for fear of being cut by the shards of glass that covered my body, my bed, and the floor. As Jacob raised the hammer over his head, I had balled up on my bed in self-defense, my back rounded toward him turtle-style, my knees beneath my stomach, my hands clasped over my head.

So that's how I stayed....




As I had no source of light in my room, I couldn't measure the passing of time accurately. I ascertained the pitch-blackness of my room by carefully turning my head to one side and slowly opening one eye.

I could see nothing.


So the only way I could guess at the passage of time was by the growing pressure in my very full bladder, the growling of my empty stomach, and the ache in the limbs folded under my body which had “fallen asleep” a very long time ago.

Due to my aching joints and numb arms and legs, I seriously doubted I would be able to walk in the morning.

But while my body remained still, my mind spun in sickening circles with wayward thoughts. Faces kept coming to mind...faces that would show their worried concern if I didn't arrive at school in the morning....

Angela's sweet, gentle face, anxiously peering at me.

Alice's lovely face, pixie-like and animated.

Mike's face, annoyed at some times, flirtatious at others.

Even Edward Cullen's face came to mind a few times, beautiful but set in angry lines.

Then Mrs. Jane's face, furious and worried.

And finally Carlisle's face, his brow furrowed with concern....

Would they come looking for me? Or would Billy and Jacob offer believable excuses that would prevent them from coming to find me?

My heart stuttered as I finally thought the question I had been avoiding since Jacob slammed the door behind him, leaving me in shattered darkness:

Would I be trapped in this room forever?


At long last I must have fallen into a light doze despite the pain in my limbs and bladder, for the slamming open of my door against the wall awakened me with a jolt.

Carefully I twisted my head to the side again, slowly opening one eye to see what caused the loud noise.

A beam of pale light streamed into my room from the hallway, a tall, familiar figure silhouetted in the doorway.

“Get the hell out of bed,” Jacob ordered coldly.

But I couldn't move...not without injuring myself.

“I-I-I-I can't,” I whispered through my mostly-closed mouth as I could feel glass shards sharp against my lips, my face.

“Well, if you want to use the bathroom before I leave for school, you'd better move your ass,” he replied, unimpressed by my predicament.

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