Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Standard Disclaimer: Twilight and its characters are the intellectual property of Stephenie Meyer. This story is written for entertainment purposes only, and no profit is intended. I just adore torturing her very intriguing characters in new and rather twisted ways....

From Chapter 30:

“Esme, you'll tell me the truth, right?” I asked.

Esme nodded, her forehead creased with concern as she gently squeezed my hand in encouragement.

“Okay,” I repeated, psyching myself up to ask the real question now. I looked at her steadily, ignoring the spiking of my heart as I asked quietly, “Esme, I know that you can't tell me much about what you all really are, but I need to know one thing. Just one thing.”

I took a deep breath, then whispered, “Esme, is it really, truly safe for me to stay here with your family?”


Esme's eyes never left mine, but I felt her grip on my hand tighten almost imperceptibly. She hesitated for a moment, then as she opened her mouth to answer my question, two figures appeared in the doorway with a suddenness that startled me so much that my hand flew to my throat in shock.

Esme looked at me, worried, and I tried to smile reassuringly. But the entrance of her husband and son interrupted her concern, for which I was quite thankful.

Carlisle and Edward entered my room together, both of their expressions grim. From the frequent glances that Carlisle kept directing toward Edward, I caught Carlisle's anxiety...he was concerned about Edward.

But why?

It didn't help that Esme was giving Edward similar worried looks.

What the hell was going on here?

As the silence stretched, I became impatient. Scooting myself to a sitting position in bed, I politely declined Esme's quiet offer of help despite the persistent ache in my side. However, she ignored me, shifting a few of the pillows behind my back so that I could sit up more comfortably, and I gave her a quick smile of thanks.

But I was also becoming increasingly frustrated with their “don't tell Bella anything” policy. Really, what could be so terrible that they kept walking on eggshells around me rather than just telling me the truth?

Looking at each one of their impassive faces in turn, I tried to stifle my impatience as I asked, “Will someone please answer my questions?” The three of them exchanged quick glances as I continued, my voice a little unsteady as I asked the most important question: “Is it really safe for me to stay here with you all?”

Without looking at one another, Carlisle and Edward replied at exactly the same time, their emphatic voices overlapping but still easily understood.

“Of course you're safe in our home, Isabella,” Carlisle started, then stopped in surprise as Edward's voice overtook his in intensity as well as volume.

“No, you are in great danger if you remain here,” Edward stated flatly. Then as Carlisle stopped speaking, Edward continued alone in a hard, cold voice, “You are in danger at this very moment, just as you have been since you first set foot on the grounds of Forks High School.” The sincerity of his midnight black eyes bore into mine, and I couldn't stop the shiver of fear racing up my spine.

Here, at last, was The Truth.

“Edward, you're exaggerating. Don't frighten Bella, dear,” Esme pleaded, her eyes huge in her pale face as she reached for her son's hand.

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