Chapter 1 - Hey, it's Will.

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Before you start to read: I am slowly editing/re-writing this whole book because I wrote this when I was like, twelve or something lol. So when I edit a chapter it will tell you at the start of that chapter if it is edited and when it was edited. 

(the storyline will be exactly the same as it was before and there will be no changes at all, major or minor)

This chapter was edited and was updated on 15 Feb 2013. 

Enjoy reading! :)


Chapter 1 - Hey, it's Will.

Going back to school after two weeks of lying in and playing football, or going on reckless 'bike rides' everyday with your neighbours, and then going to crazy parties at night time with your other friends, is not pleasant. It's all this going back to normal stuff. All the settling back into the daily routine. It's depressing. 

With Easter break over, it means one thing - it only gets worse. Between now and the end of school, which is basically from now until July, the work load is just going to be even more ridiculous until we take the remainder of our GCSEs. And if there's more work it means there's more work for me to not do, or forget to do, or not do well enough. And that means my parents are going to get even madder. 

As usual, people stare as I sit down. I haven't even done anything wrong, and yet old women across the aisle are reproachfully discussing 'kids these days'. A girl with purple, greasy hair from one of the comprehensive schools nearby turns up her nose as I drop into a seat in front of her. 

End of last year I got kicked off the school bus. Apparently, swearing at the slutty girls who constantly fling themselves onto your lap and throwing things back at the younger boys who attack you and think they're funny is unacceptable behaviour. My parents weren't too chuffed and to be quite honest, neither was I because taking public transport means getting up earlier where I live, and plus, the whole idea was unfair. But, of course, it was my fault. 

As it always is. 

Kingston Grammar School is a joke. Parents who want their kids to do well send them there because of the name and because it's fee-paying and because there are two separate sides - one for girls, one for boys - but in reality it's not that special. The teachers set homework which is unneeded but painfully easy, and most people in my class can't spell words like 'hypothesis'. The girls' school is stricter than our side, according to my older sister Leila who is currently at the Sixth Form there. The girls however, are just bloody crazy. The ones I mix with are, anyway. They fling themselves at me and just laugh and everything, and nothing seems to upset them, at all. I've called them sluts and bitches and told them to fuck off and cheated on past girlfriends, all in front of their faces. And it's never upset them - they just keep on going. 

I guess there are varying levels of their craziness - some are worse than others.  

I sigh as one makes her way up the aisle towards me - Reina Bloom. Reina has shocking red hair which hangs in ringlets around her heart shaped, pale face, contrasted against her dark blue eyes. She's always exited, this one. We're good friends - she's probably the best girl friend I have at this school, because she's not totally like one of the stupid, hard-core girls that I was talking about before. She's decent and actually has feelings or something.  

"Hey, Will!" She chants as she squeezes herself into the chair beside me. I look down at her with a half-smile, because she isn't bad, not at all. Reina didn't get kicked off the school bus - some people just have never been on it. I don't think her parents can afford it, on top of all the school fees, like many others - and there isn't anything wrong with that.  

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