Chapter 2: Something

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Chapter 2: Something 

"Wake up, Salem!" My mom called, "You're going to be late for your first day."

"That's the idea." I groaned and kicked off the covers.

I instantly regretted it when I felt the chill of my bare room. Sammy, my familiar and pet cat, gave me a dirty look for waking her up. Sammy found me exactly when my powers did.

Grandma told me when Sammy came "every Good Witch has a familiar. They are good spirit companions, and they will never abandon you."

Sammy was a pain, but Grandma was right: Sammy never abandoned me.

I stood and stretched before gathering my toiletries. I opened my door and crossed the hall to the bathroom. A warm shower and some cherry blossom soap woke me right up. I changed and went down stairs and heard the noise of my mom cooking.

"Mom," I called while I put on my pea coat, "I'll be outside to see if I can find any 'Ground'!"

"Okay, but hurry." She replied.

The air was a slap in my face but refreshing. I stood there in the open yard for a moment and called the clean and good energy to me. One thing I have to admit about this town, the air was clean and the forest good. Much better than the dry and vast desert of Arizona.

I stuffed my hands into my pockets and walked towards the forest. The sunlight lit up the trees, and the only sound was the birds and my crunchy footsteps.

I was a "witch of all trades"; I had a bit of everything, and it came with little training. I wasn't exactly Traditional witch, I didn't do things by the book. I wasn't a Religious or Ceremonial witch, I didn't worship The Goddess, but my Grandma did. If I were to categorize myself, I guess I was more skilled in the elements.

I began to say the words that I somehow knew without learning them.

"Powers, Open to me.

Spirits, Guide me.

Show me Ground untouched."

I closed my eyes and walked. There was that familiar feeling of Power and Energy fill me; it was like an adrenaline rush. I walked with my eyes closed for a few moments. I suddenly step down and it was like a quake ran through me. I opened my eyes and I was in a a perfectly circular clearing with tall trees all around. The ground was powerful and clean.

I found my Ground.

I took some dead leaves from the ground and crushed them in my hands. I blow on them and my Light filled them. I threw them across the clearing and my Light filled the clearing. I claimed it as mine.

With that in order, I turned and went back to the house. My mom was on the porch waiting for me.

"Find anything?" She asked.

"One of the most clean Grounds I ever seen." I gave her a big smile.

"See, honey, " She grinned, "This place is good for you."

I rolled my eyes, but I didn't say anything else. I went inside with her and ate some eggs and bacon. Then I left with my earphones in and my satchel purse on.

I walked down the stone road towards the town. It wasn't all that bad, but how can I be myself here? I am a witch and all the 'normies' don't want me around. I reached the main street, and I saw that there was more kids my age then I originally thought.

At the opposite end of the town was the Haven High School. It was pretty plain and normal. I headed to the main building. I lifted my chin high when I caught sight of the Blondes from yesterday looking at me.

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