Marry Me

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"Scalpel, please."






"Suctioning blood."




"The bullet has been successfully removed. It's time to close this baby up."

"Roger that."





"Congratulations on the successful operation, doctor Hyakuya." A few nurses greeted as Mika, and I walk towards the hospital exit.

We had just finished our shift, and let's just say, it's been a long day.

I stretched my arms as we got out of the hospital and move into the nightly city. A shiver ran through my body, making me rub my arms frantically. It was already December and days in Manhattan were colder than they were in Japan.

Then I felt a slight pull from the side. It was Mika. He had placed his arm around my neck and pulled me close to him.

"Let's go grab some coffee before heading home, nurse Hyakuya." He teased.

I chuckled, returning his embrace as we began to walk, "Only if you pay up, doctor Hyakuya."

And just by his hold, I felt my days get a bit more warmer.

It had been about 7 years since we had moved to America together. The two of us were still kids who wanted to build a future for us. The first few years were a little rough here since we had to adjust to life, and especially that I was such an idiot when it came to speaking their language.

But later on, everything turned out great. Mika had finally achieved becoming a doctor, and I had found what I wanted to do, being a nurse. We both work in the same hospital, and have made a number of friends here. We even met a few japanese folks.

The best part about the people we met here is that they gave our relationship full support. No one seems to be against us. In fact, one of my friends even told me that we had our very own fan club. Seriously?

Everything felt so perfect that sometimes I think this could all be a dream. But it's not... this is reality, and that's what makes it even more amazing.

"So... do you wanna watch a movie or something, Yuu-chan?" Mika asked as he was taking his coat off and hanged it on the coat rack.

We had already gotten home to our little Manhattan apartment. I was sitting on our sofa, scrolling through my phone.

"Hmn? Sounds great." I responded as I was busy reading through the posts on tumblr.

The part of the sofa beside me sunk down as Mika sat. He leaned in, and stared at my phone, "What are you so busy about?"

"Ohh. Just that fan club." I chuckled, "Look." I raised my phone to Mika's eyes.

"Who do you think is bottom, Mika or Yuu?" Mika's brows furrowed as he read through the post.

I put down my phone on the table beside our sofa, chuckling because of the post and Mika's reaction.

"Seriously, people wonder about that?" His brow raised.

Fight me! (Mikaela x Yuu Hyakuya B x B)Where stories live. Discover now