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Tires screeched as Guren slammed his foot on the brakes. We had just arrived in the premises of the old factory I was found in ten years ago.

I never would have thought I would see this place ever again.

"Let's go!" Guren said.

I puhed the door open, running towards the factory gates. We all rushed in, pushing off metal barrels that were in our way.


Mika's POV

The ropes made sounds as I scratched against the sharp edges of the broken glass shards I had found lying on the ground. The rope was slowly getting cut.

I felt a sting on my wrist as the ropes fell off. Immediately, I checked my hand to find a small trickle of blood. Shit, I was a little careless and cut my wrist by accident. But the pain wasn't anything compared to what Ferid has been throwing at me... no, even worse, the agony of being separared from Yuu. I need to get out of here.

Wiping the blood on my shirt, I moved towards the door. It had a small window on it, same as the one where Yuu and I had been trapped in before that had metal bars on it. I stretched my legs, trying my best to take a peek of whatever was outside. A lean man had been standing in front of the door.

Perfect. He'll be my ticket out of this place.

"Hey! How's it going out there?" I raised my voice.

I hear him grunt, replying with a raspy voice, "Whadda ya want?"

"Can I go to the bathroom? I need to take a leak."

"Din' the boss tell ya? That place is your leak hole!"

"Seriously...?" I narrowed my eyes.

"What? Pretty boy gotta go to a powder room?" He mocked.

I sighed gently, trying to contain my annoyance. This guy isn't going to budge easily. Ferid must have ordered him to do so. Gotta think of another way to get him to open the door.

Rubbing my chin, I walked back and forth as I thought of a plan. Then it hit me. If I couldn't get him to open up by negotiating, then I guess I'll force him in here. I rushed to the pile of junk lying in the room, searching whatever useful stuff I could get. I found a huge sack. Good.

I took the sack with me as I walked towards the door, standing by its side near where it would open.

"Man... must be a really stupid guy for Ferid to assign to such a boring job..." I teased.

I heard him grunt, "What are you yappin', girly face?"

"Oh nothing~ Just thought you didn't have enough brains for Ferid to leave you with such an easy job." I continued.

"Huh?! Why you... shut your pie hole!"

"It's true, isn't it? Your tiny brain probably can't handle more difficult jobs than this one." I laughed.

"Why youuu...." I could feel him getting infuriated just by the sound of his voice. Good...

"I mean... with all the big plans Ferid has, and he just leaves you with guarding a room that's already locked? Seriously?" I laughed harder.

"That's it!!!!" I heard a loud stomp from the outside. The man souded like he was losing it... and that was a good thing. "I'm gonna break that pretty little face of yours!!"

Come at me.

Metal locks began to ring as the knob slowly turned. As I watched the door moving open, I prepared myself for my next move. My plan worked as expected. Nice.

Fight me! (Mikaela x Yuu Hyakuya B x B)Where stories live. Discover now