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"Hyakuya Yuu-san. Your lunch is rea-..."

The door to my hospital room opened with a loud creak. Along that sound was the voice of my nurse who's name I don't know.

I hear his footsteps going near me. Tack, tack, tack, and then stop. The sound of a tray touching the table came, and I assumed that blondie nurse was right in front of me.

"... what are you doing?"

I grinned, "Trespassers are not allowed to enter!" I declared loudly.

"Get the hell out of there. It's time for your medicine and lunch."

Where am I you ask?

Using a sea of pillows, I made a fort to protect myself from this cup-shoving jerk of a nurse. Now I am fully guarded, and I can sneak in my attacks without him knowing! Hah!

Not so tough now, are you Mr. Nurse?

"I'll crush your little pillow fort and your dreams. Now get out of there." He said, sounding a bit annoyed.

His words had provoked me to come at him while he was close. But I stayed put in my little fortress. There was no way I wasn't gonna let this nurse shove who-knows-what in my freaking mouth!

"Sorry. Not the password!" I scowled at him.

I heard him sigh. His voice had began to slow down as he spoke, probably getting tired of putting up with me, "What do I have to do to get you out of there?"

A grin develop on my lips. For some reason, it was really fun acting all childish like this. Especially now that this nurse guy is looking annoyed.

Somehow it reminded me of when I was a kid. I didn't really show it nor accepted, but it was always fun seeing the other kids play with one another... it was especially fun whenever Mika was there.

I'd always just idly look at everyone and think of how tiring it is to be so energetic all the time. But Mika... he always reached out to me, telling me to join them because we're family.

Mika was right...

It was fun to act like this.

A smile was put to my face. The memory of Mika always made me happy. He was my bestfriend, my family, my everything...

I shouted at the nurse, "Fight me!"

"Ha?" He said in a surprised tone, "Are you ser-..."

"Fight me!" I teased back again.

I heard him sigh, and it suddenly became quiet. I guess the nurse guy was giving up, and that he admitted defeat.

I win! I win! I wi-...


My pillow fort suddenly crumbled down in all places as a pale looking hand mercilessly crushed it.


Left! Right! Left! Right! The pillows tumble down in different directions, falling all over the floor.

"W-wait! You can't do that!" I tried to reason as the figure of the angelic-looking nurse of hell appeared before me.

"Oh?~" the nurse said in a teasing tone, "I thought you were picking a fight with me?"

I flinched, stiffening like a pole. Violently, I shook my head left to right, "Y-yeah!" I pointed my finger at him, "That's right! FIGHT ME!"

He shook his head, a smirk on his face, "You don't stand a chance." He then held my shoulders.

"Huh?!" My brows furrowed as I felt his hands hold me. I was starting to freak out inside, wondering what kind of diabolic plan this nurse was going to do.

The smirk on his face was gone, and e gently let me rest my back on a pillow.

My eyes blinked fast, "eh?"

He placed a towel on my lap and took a tray filled with food from the table, gently placing it on the towel. I stared at the food and then to him.

"Can you feed yourself?" He placed chopsticks on my tray, "or do you need my assistance?"

I completely ignored his voice. Well, it was more like I couldn't hear a thing. All else was blocked out by the fact that I was surprised at his gentle gesture.

This was our second encounter, but I had an impression that he didn't have this side of him. It was gentle, mother-like, and most of all, it was a gesture that reminded me of Mika.

"Ah..." I said blankly.

Just like earlier this morning, I felt something being aggressively shoved onto my mouth. This time it wasn't liquid, but something solid and salty.

"Mpph!!!" I grumbled as I tried to chew whatever was being pushed to my mouth.

I swallowed, hard. Good thing I was able to chew or I would have choked. The nurse guy had shoved a piece of fish meat in my mouth, and I was completely caught off guard.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" I scowled at him. Never mind gentle! This guy is the complete opposite!!

"Whoops." He said in a tone that showed he didn't care, "My bad."

I gritted my teeth, "Are you really a nurse or did you just become one so you could make fun of your patients like this?!"

His eyes narrowed, looking annoyed. But then an evil smirk appeared on his face. His hand reached for me and pinched my cheeks.

With a devilish smile, he spoke.

"Nah. I just like making fun of you specifically."

My eyes gazed at him, and a warmth came over my cheeks.

No matter how he speaks or how he acts, this guy really does look so angelic.

His smile, his eyes, his hair, his face... all of it was scented with heaven and paradise.

But it wasn't that that really caught my attention.

It was that this angel-faced-devil nurse sort of reminded me of someone. Like I was supposed to know this nurse. It was like he was some kind of ghost from my past.

I didn't know anyone who acted the same way he does. But when I look at this guy... nostalgic feelings flowed in me.

Who exactly is this guy?

I don't know... and I can't point out who in my past this guy reminds me of.

All I know is that I feel as if I had known this guy from a long time ago.

I heard him clear his throat, "Alright. Looks like you can manage on your own. I'll be back later for your medicine." he walked to the door and then spoke with a slight chuckle, "Eat up lots so you can fight, Yuu."


My eyes shot open and so did my mouth. Without waiting for my reply, the nurse went out of my room and closed the door.

Eat up lots so you can fight, Yuu.

That tone... those words...

Memories started flashing in my head. My past... all those times back in my childhood...

A tear flowed down my eye. I couldn't move. Heat formed in my chest as I had remembered someone dear to me.

"M...." My voice finally found the strength to come out, "...Mika?"

Fight me! (Mikaela x Yuu Hyakuya B x B)Where stories live. Discover now