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Author's note:

Tada! I have finally updated! I am sorry it took so long again! Btw! Have you guys seen the first episode of season two?? Gosh I'm trembling with excitement for more episodes!!!!



"Hey Yuu?"

Mika called to me as we were riding on a swing. The two of us were at a park that had been across a pretty church. There were flower petals everywhere in the air, and church bells were singing joyfully.

A man in a suit had gone out of the building as he carried his bride. People were clapping their hands with smiles on their faces.

"It's beautiful, right?" Mika sighed in a dreamy state. His voice was low but he sounded pleased. I looked at his face. His eyes had gone soft, and his lips curved a smile. Mika had been staring at the wedding happening in front of us. I gave out a shrug, "I guess."

It didn't really cross my mind. The whole thing was something normal. So I didn't find it special. Mika, on the other hand, was always the type to appreciate even the most ordinary things in life. The way he talked about how beautiful this and that was had amazed me. He always transformed the simplest of things to something incredible.

It was one of the things I loved about him.

"But isn't it amazing how people bind themselves to each other because of how much they want to be together?"

"Mm.." I gave out a dirty look at Mika, "Isn't tha kind of like chaining each other down??"

Mika must have been humored with my words because he started laughing, "Really Yuu? Chaining down? Are you that scared of girls??" My cheeks grew a bright scarlet, and I gritted my teeth, "S-shut up! I am not! I just don't like the thought of being chained down to someone!"

"Hahah..." Mika's laughter died out to take a deep breath. He looked at me with a smile on his face, "Then would you hate it if I said I wanted to be with you forever?"

"Eh?" I blinked. Before I could make another reaction, my vision had become blurry. Mika was still in front of with a smile on his face, but everything was getting unclear. It grew more and more obscure until I saw nothing but a pitch black color.




I woke up to the calm sounds of chimes swinging back and forth as the wind blew through the window of my hospital room. Everything I saw earlier had just been a dream about Mika. It had been a memory long ago when we were children. To think he already developed thoughts like that despite our age.

"Us? Together forever, huh?" I calmly stated out aloud as if Mika was in front of me, "Don't be silly... we're family afterall. Of course we'd be together."

I tilted my head to look at the table beside the bed. There were a few things on it: the tray which had my medicine and my breakfast on it, a vase filled with sunflowers, and something wrapped in red gift paper.

Using whatever strength I had left, I sat up to check out the mysterious present. I picked it up and opened it. Inside was a white tea cup that had golden vines on its top edges. It looked simple yet classic at the same time. It was something that wouldn't suit me since I'm usually impulsive... hahah...

I looked around the wrapper some more and found a small pink note inside. Written on it was, "Fight me? 927-865-8762"


W-wait.... what?

The words had confused me the first time I had read them.

Fight... me?

Fight me! (Mikaela x Yuu Hyakuya B x B)Where stories live. Discover now