Chapter 10 : Let's Start Over

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Riley's P.O.V-

I woke up in a beautiful bedroom. It doesn't look like our apartments though. One weird thing was that I was alone in bed. I thought I was with Michael. Why was I alone here?

I walked around the whole bedroom. Exploring it. "Michael?" I called out.

No answer.

I went outside looking at the whole place. It was once huge hotel suite.

I walked to the window and looked outside. It was an the Eiffel tower. I stopped and gasped. "Paris..."

"It was your dream wasn't it babe?" I heard a husky voice said from behind before wrapping his hands around me.

"Mike, this is so sweet." I smiled and turned around. His eyes locked on mine. "But how did we get here? I mean we were at LA last night." I said.

"Have you forgotten?" He smiled and carried me bridal style to the bed. "We flew here yesterday night." He said as he brushed my left out hair aside. "You were asleep through out the whole journey. From the plane to the cars to the hotel." He smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked in a funny manner.

"I carried you babe. And you looked so cute when you slept." He said

"Aww.." I said and hugged him. "You're cuter." I smiled.

"Aww.." He said in return. And we kinda made out for a while in bed which was surprisingly amazing because his kisses were full of lust, I mean it happens all the time. His kisses were just so intense that it was just so difficult to part our lips from each other. He was the sweetest guy ever. And  I hope my brothers let me be with him.

Many guys out there play with my feelings. But Michael.  I think he'll be there for me.

From now,  till the day I die.

"Michael." I called softly despite the 'Aw' session we just had.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Dont let me go."


I shoulda told you guya this was gonna be the last chapter (':

I SHIP THEM THEYRE SO CUTE OMG. okay. I have to go. sorry for the last chapter thing.

i'll write an epilogue.  I promise.

ttfn loves ♥ x

dont let me go ➳ cliffordOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora