Chapter 20. How is this possible?

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Skylar's POV

I throw all my weight against Oni but it doesn't knock him down. He grabs my arm and throws me against the wall. I sit up with my hand on my bleeding head. I see everyone get really pissed, especially Grayson. They all start to fight, throwing objects for others to use as a weapon. I see Aku doesn't even let go of that stupid mirror. Mirror? The mirror! I quickly stand up and say "Guys get that fucking mirror quick!" I can see a hint of worry in Aku, Akki, and even Oni's eyes. Everyone charges at Aku and he starts running so we run after him. Grayson is running next to me while Kyle, Harper, and Arsen are ahead. "Sky why do we need the mirror?" Grayson asks me while panting. I look at him then back at where I'm running "Its our only way to get out of here." I respond. "What do you mean? When it was used against us it made you have-" he starts but I cut him off "I know but I have a idea." He nods agreeing with me at this point. We chase after them for what seems like forever, my legs hurt, my arms are getting tired, and my feet are cramping. I pull Grayson by his shirt and make a quick right to cut them off. We run down and make another left and before we can slow down we run into them and we all fall. Kyle quickly takes the mirror before it falls on the ground and looks at me "What do I do with it?" He asks panicked. "Hold it up in the air quick." I say. Kyle holds it up away from him and I take out the pistol and aim in the middle of it. Before I can pull the trigger the gun gets kicked out of my hand by Akki. I try to run and grab it but Akki starts doing a high pitch horrible scream. We all sit on the floor with our hands over our ears hoping it will stop. Aku gets the mirror back and when I look up I see Oni is standing above me. He says something but I can't hear it from the scream but I can read lips, he mouthed the words "You're all gonna die." I start shaking from the scream and the words he said. I don't want any more of the people I care about to die, I need to end it. Oni turns around to tell the kids something and when he does I quickly jump on his back and start to choke him with a metal pipe I picked up. Oni struggles and tries to grab me but he can't reach me. He goes to a wall and starts to throw himself back hard to make me let go but I don't let go for even a second even though I'm in pain and can feel huge bruises forming. Akki and Aku hit me hard in the face and I fall off Oni. He gasps for air and says pissed off "You little shit!" He picks me up and digs his nails into my neck. Tears form in my eyes as I gasp for air and try to hit or kick him. Everything starts to go black but then I see Kyle get up and he tackles Oni shouting "Leave my sister alone you twisted fucker!" I get up off the ground and kick Aku and Akki away from Kyle. Grayson and Harper distract the kids while Arsen and I frantically look for the mirror. We know they hid it around here but we couldn't see where. We look all around and we know we're running out of time. Arsen and I stop when we hear no more struggling and we look over and see Kyle, Grayson and Harper on the ground. They're still conscious, for the most part, but I can tell they can't get up. Oni looks at me and starts laughing hysterically saying "You really think you could win? We always win no matter how close our victims get to being free!" I look at Oni while Arsen scans the room for the mirror "Why are you like this?" I ask.
Oni looks at the children then looks at me "Since you won't live to tell anyone I'll tell you. This school was perfectly built many years ago and it was in the list of top ten schools in America. Akki and Aku went to the school and toward the end of the year someone had burned it down in the middle of class one day. Nobody inside survived and if they did survive and managed to get out the person who burned it down would kill them on site. Officials thought that it was a natural cause of fire even though many bodies were not found. I came across this school a few years ago and decided to live here because I have nowhere else to go, no job, no family. The killer who put the school on fire is definitely a person, I know because I saw someone burn down my house the same way killing my whole family and friends on my birthday when they were making me a birthday party as I was walking home. I came across Akki and Aku while I was here and at first they wanted to kill me but I told them I'm lost just like you and I am ready to take my revenge just like you. Ever since then we kill anyone who comes across this school hoping we'll end up killing the killer if they ever come back." I never thought I would actually see emotion out of this man, he killed so many innocent people and even my friend just to get the killer hoping to lure him back. Although this guy has put us through hell and pain, its only because he is in pain too. "I am sorry that happened to all three of you but you can't blame innocent people for what had happened." I say. Oni looks at me like I said the craziest thing he has ever heard. "I won't stop till that killer is dead." He states. I look at my friends then look back at Oni "And I won't stop fighting back until my friends and I are free." I say. Kyle quickly pulls the mirror out of Aku's hand and throws it in the air before they can react. I take out the pistol and I shoot the mirror in the dead center. It falls on the ground and I see it shatter completely. Oni gets on his knees and picks up broken pieces shouting "No! You idiot!" We all back up as a beam of light shoots up and lights the entire place. Akki and Aku scream then they start to turn into ash starting at their feet, once they turned into ashes the ashes flew into the beam. I look at Oni and instead if ashes his skin peels off until there was nothing but bones. The beam blasted a pulse of light and we were all thrown back from the impact. We all hit the wall hard and pass out.

I wake up panicked and hear a beeping noise, beeping? I open my eyes more and look around. Where the hell am I? The room is really white and I see a table with flowers and balloons and tons of cards. I look to my left and see Kyle and Grayson in hospital beds attached to machines. We're in the hospital? How did we get here? Did someone find us? I look to my right and I see Nikki. My eyes widen when I see her breathing. I weakly tap her and say with trouble "Nikki! Nikki get up. Grayson, Kyle wake up!" They all start waking up and look around confused then look at me "What the hell happened?" Kyle asks. "I wish I knew." Nikki responds. Their eyes widen "Nikki you're alive!?" Grayson says confused. Nikki looks at him "Apparently so." She says. The door opens and a doctor appears but we can't see his face "You're awake! That is very good." He says. "What happened? Where is Arsen and Harper?" I ask. The doctor gets confused "You guys were in a car accident. There is no Arsen or Harper." He responds. No Arsen or Harper? No way, they were with us, real people. Two nurses come in and start to prepare some kind of shots. The doctor is turned around and I get angry "Hey dickhole! What is going on? Where is Arsen and Harper? How did we get out of those sewers?" The doctor is silent as he picks up a syringe. He turns around and pulls off his surgical mask. My eyes widen and my heart drops, its Onigatana. The two nurses turn around and we see its Aku and Akki. Tears fill my eyes from being angry and scared. Onigatana taps the glass of the syringe and looks at me smiling. "You guys were just dreaming."

That is the end of the story guys! :) I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing this story. This may be the end of this story, however! I do plan on doing another so be keeping a eye out for that, I'm not sure when it will be out but I will post it first chance I get. Please vote, comment what your reaction was with the ending :3 and please follow it helps a lot. Thank you guys!

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