Chapter 3. Trapped By Mind And By Heart

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Skylar's POV
My heart beats faster and faster. I don't think its ever going to stop. I start to shake as we keep staring at the doorway leading to the hall. I start to back up slowly while shaking heavily. My friends and brother see how scared I am. Grayson hands Kyle the flashlight and hugs me tightly making me feel safer.
Grayson's POV
I keep hugging Skylar, making sure she calms down. I don't blame her for being scared because I'm scared too. I look down at her to see if she's any better. She's just staring at the ground silently and not letting go of me. I notice something odd about her. I look at her wrists and notice scars all over them. Tears start to form in my eyes but I blink them away. I ask Skylar "Sky, why do you have scars on your wrists?" Suddenly her eyes come to life again and she let's go of me then steps back a few steps and rolls her sleeves back down all the way. She looks at me trying to say something but she can't quite say anything. Nikki and Kyle look at her with worry and Kyle asks her with the most serious tone I've ever heard from him "Skylar, why do you have scars?"
Skylar's POV
I look at Kyle then look at Nikki and Grayson and say "I cut okay? I admit it. I never told any of you because I didn't want you to think less of me okay?" Tears form in my eyes but I hold them back, I have never cried in front of them before and I won't start now. They all look at me not sure what to say. Nikki approaches me with caution and puts her hand on my shoulder and says "Skylar we're your best friends and Kyle is your brother, you can always come to us, why didn't you before?" I start to say something but then I'm cut off by another loud glass breaking sound. We all jump again and grab whatever we can use as a weapon. Kyle starts grabbing his stuff and says "Guys its morning now we gotta get the hell out of here." We all frantically get our things then scramble to the main door. We hear more sounds behind us but we don't look back for even a second. We run as fast as we possibly can to the door but it just seems that the door is getting farther and farther away from us. We get to the door but suddenly the door slams shut on us. Kyle tugs on the door knob to try and get it open but it doesn't work "It won't budge!" He says. Grayson tries to pull the knob also but nothing. Nikki is facing away from us not even moving. I look at Nikki and ask "Nikki what is it?" She shakes some and slowly points toward the hallway. Grayson, Kyle and I turn toward the hallway and see a little boy, but something was way off about him. His body was facing us but his head was turned around the complete opposite direction and there was some sort of light around his body. He was wearing some sort of blue uniform but it was missing pieces of it and there were scratch marks in the chest part of his uniform. We stare at the boy with awe. The boy starts laughing and his head slowly turns to us while his body is staying completely still in place. When he completely turns to us we see his face. He has the biggest and most creepiest smile I have ever seen. Not only that but his eyes are not even there. And below his eyes is blood that is going down his face as if he were crying blood. At this point Nikki screams, driving me back to reality. Kyle grabs Nikki's hand and they start bolting down the opposite hallway. Grayson does the same with me. We start running as fast as our legs can carry us down the hallway. As Grayson is pulling me I look back and see the boy is chasing us! I try to scream, I try to talk, but I can't make a sound. We run into another room and quickly close the door "Quick grab anything to block to for with!" Grayson says scared. We put our stuff down and frantically block the door with large objects. We finish blocking the door and we all start panting. Nikki sits on the ground shaking, I sit next to her and pet her back gently while I stare at the ground replaying over and over what had just happened. This can't be real. Its a dream. Its a dream. I close my eyes and open them back up and realize it's not a dream. I'm in the real world. Grayson shakes me gently by the shoulders and snaps me back to reality. I look at him with pure terror. He hugs me tightly and whispers "We're safe Sky, its okay." I hug him back and take a breath to calm down. Kyle hugs Nikki to make her feel better. She slowly comes back to her normal self and she calms down. We sit in silence for what seems like forever. Kyle speaks up "Guys we need to figure out how to get out of here." I look around the room for anything we can climb out of but of course this room has no windows. Only the door that we came from. "Its been a long day for us all. I think we should just stay here for a few hours to get our heads straight." I say. My friends and brother agree. We set down our blankets and we all lie down. Kyle and Nikki fall asleep, but Grayson and I are still awake. Grayson turns to me and whispers so he doesn't wake up Kyle and Nikki "Sky, about your scars, I just want you to know that we're here for you and you can talk to us about anything. I understand if you want us to leave it alone about the scars but please talk to us." I look at him "I trust you guys, its just that I hide my pain so I won't hurt any of you like I hurt myself with my own problems." Grayson whispers "Is it cause your thinking a lot about your dad?" I look away and don't say anything. Yes it is. I haven't stopped thinking about him since he died three years ago. I think of him every day and still can hear his voice. I miss him. Grayson puts his hand on my arm and whispers "I understand you miss him, but you know he wouldn't want you to be hurting yourself like this. Right?" I nod. He's right I know that. Grayson always has good points damnit. Grayson continues talking "He wants you to be happy Sky and you know it." I look at him and whisper "I know Gray, its just hard on me to this day." He nods understanding. Gray and I both end up falling asleep. I do know one thing is for sure now that we're in this situation, and that is we can't turn on each other. If we wanna get out of whatever this horrifying mind game is then so be it, but we get out of this together. No man left behind.

And now I stop here XD. Thank you all for sticking with my story and reading it. It means a lot to me. Please vote and follow, it helps a lot. Thanks everyone!

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