Chapter 6. Where?

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Skylar's POV
I wake up to find myself still in that bathroom. I look around and see Kyle, I try to get up but I can't seem to. I look at my leg and there's a piece of glass in it "Shit!" I say to myself now realizing the pain of it. I look over at Kyle "Kyle! Wake up!" I say a bit panicked. He wakes up and I notice his head is bleeding. He rushes over to me "Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm wonderful you know? Just got a fucking piece of glass in my leg and I don't know where Gray and Nikki is. I am fantastic Kyle." I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and helps me up. I put my arm over him so I can walk better. I try to take a step but then I collapse "I can't dude, this shit hurts." He nods and looks around to try and think of something. I go through my backpack and get out a rag, I wrap it around the wound so it wouldn't bleed out, the pressure of it helps a lot. I stand up again and we carefully start walking to find Gray and Nikki. We walk out the bathroom and start walking down the hallway. "Nikki! Gray!" I shout down the hall, there's nothing but the echo of my shouting. I blink away my tears. I hope they're okay, I know they wouldn't just get up and walk away. Something or someone must've took them. What if that little boy made them walk off and put them into that nightmare trance like they did for me? What if he killed them? I gotta keep it together. I always think the worst out of any situation. My thoughts are quickly interrupted when we hear a scream, Nikki! We quickly dash to where we heard the scream. We come around a corner and see Nikki on the floor and that little boy has her pinned down and he's trying to get her to look in the mirror just like what he did with me. I quickly grab a loose board that's sticking out from the flooring and I swing it at the boy. The board hits him across the face, the mirror slides across the floor away from us all. "Kyle take Nikki and run!" "Sky-" My brother begins. "There's no time! Just go!" I shout cutting him off. He nods and helps Nikki up then they start running down the hallway. The boy stands up and starts doing his creepy laugh as he turns to me. I pick up a larger board and hold it tight "Okay you little shit, I've had enough of this. You can fuck with me all you want, but the second you go near the people I care about you better believe that I'm gonna end you." He gives me a big creepy smile "You can't leave. My friend and I aren't done playing yet." He says in a high pitch creepy tone. I look at him confused and ask "Friend?" He points behind me, I turn around and see a little girl. She's about the boy's height with a similar type of uniform and she has her hair in pig tails. She looks almost identical to the boy but there's one difference. She has one eye but the other is gone and it looks as if she's crying blood as well, her eye color is pure black. I stare at the girl unable to move. I can't even seem to breathe normally, but I don't show them that I'm scared.
Kyle's POV
Nikki and I keep running down the hallway. We come to a stop when we're out of breath. Nikki looks at me worried and mad "We have to go back!" She says. "We can't Nikki." I say a bit out of breath. "She's your sister Kyle!" I look at her "I know that, but its Skylar, I know she can handle herself and she will come down that hall any second now, you watch." I say defensively. I know Skylar, she's the strongest out of us, especially in the family. She's stronger then me in different ways but of course I don't admit that to her, otherwise I wouldn't hear the end of it. We sit down in the hallway so we can get rest and wait for Skylar, I'm scared. I don't know how long its been and I don't see her in sight. I look down at the ground and pick at my nails. Nikki notices I'm scared and hugs me. "She's gonna be okay Kyle." She whispers to me. I nod without saying anything. We hear a noise suddenly down the hall, we stand up and look down the hallway. The figure is too tall to be Skylar. I squint my eyes trying to see if I can see the figure better. The figure comes into the light that's in the hallway, its Grayson! We dash toward him because it looks like he's about to collapse. He puts his arm over my shoulder and I gently help him sit down against the wall. I look at him but he won't look at me or Nikki. I notice there's cuts and bruises all over his arms. Nikki sits on her knees in front of him and softly puts her hand on his shoulder "Gray? What happened?" She whispers to him. He looks at Nikki, his eyes are bloodshot red, he's been crying, and there's blood that runs down from his eyes to his chin, he was forced to look in the mirror just like Skylar was. He manages a whisper "Where's Skylar?" Nikki looks at me then back at Grayson. "We were attacked by the boy, she told us to run so we did. She said she'd come here soon but we haven't seen her yet. He jumps up quickly "We gotta find her!" He puts his arm on his side in pain. I put my hands on his shoulders "Gray you're too weak right now. You need to rest." He shakes his head at me and looks at me with tears falling and says "I am not just sitting her when Skylar could be in trouble or already hurt." Nikki looks at him "Gray its Skylar, we know she's strong and we know that any second she will be running down that hallway toward us." He doesn't respond, he just looks at the ground silent. You can tell he's thinking about if he should just bolt there to find her or stay here. He sits back down with his knees to his chest and stares down the hallway. A few more minutes pass and we hear footsteps from the hallway. We all stand up and look down the hallway, the figure seems to be limping. The figure comes into the light, Skylar! Without hesitation Gray runs up to her and hugs her. When they hug I notice Skylar has cuts and bruises on her arms also. Her face doesn't have blood on it, but she has a scratch on her forehead.
Skylar's POV
I stop hugging Grayson and look at him and notice all the cuts, the blood and how bloodshot his eyes are. "Gray, what happened?" I say toward him, afraid of what he's gonna say. He looks at me and his eyes start to tear up "I was forced to look in a mirror from some little girl instead of the boy." He whispers. "The girl that looked like the boy with pig tails and one eye?" I ask. He looks at me and nods "You saw her too?" He asks. I look away and nod. Kyle jumps in the conversation "There's a little girl now too?" He asks. I look at him "Yes, I think that she's related to the little boy because they look like twins. Nikki and Kyle look at us in fear. I look at Grayson, he just looks at the ground. He doesn't want to make contact with me for some reason. Nikki speaks up this time "Guys" she stutters. We look at her and see her pointing toward the hallway. The little girl is holding someone's head.

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