Chapter 14. It Never Ends

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Skylar's POV

My friends, brother, and I stop hugging. They all try to say something but they just can't make out the words. I look at Kyle "I saw dad." I say with hopeful eyes. He gives me this odd look of surprise with a mix of the-fuck-you-talking-bout face. "What?" He asks. "I saw dad, he was in this white room and he showed me what it was like in the real world and showed me that you guys were crying and I saw mom's perspective and she was crying also and apparently we've been missing for weeks." All of their eyes widen "Weeks?" They ask in unison. "I know right, that's what I said too." I respond. Kyle looks at me with concern and says "Sky, you were imagining that you saw dad." I look at him "Calling me a liar?" I ask challengingly. He sighs and shakes his head no. I can tell he doesn't want to start anything again so I let it slide. I look at the floor and say "I really did see dad, and saw moms perspective of what was happening at home." They all ignore what I say and Nikki speaks up "We should get going, try to find our way out here." They agree and walk out behind her. I grab Grayson's arm before he walks out, he turns and looks at me "You believe me don't you?" I ask him. He pats my head and smiles saying "I do Sky, honest." I smile. I'm glad someone does, I know what I saw. Even if it was my imagination I don't care, I got to see my dad either way. I grabs cans of foods and drinks that we can have along the way, who knows how long its gonna take. I pack it in my bookbag and walk out the pantry behind Grayson. We get the rest of our things. I put the gun that we had gotten from the man tucked in my pants under my shirt. Never know when we might need it. We start walking down the sewer through one of the tunnels, thankfully there's not much to step on. We walk on the outer edge to avoid stepping in anything though. We walk for a while without a word, why isn't anyone talking? Did I say something wrong earlier? My mind trails off thinking about if I should say something to lighten the mood. My thoughts stop when I accidentally walk into Grayson. I back up some and he looks at me, I look at the ground embarrassed and say "Sorry." He gives a slight smile then turns back around. "Why did we stop though?" I ask. Kyle looks at me and whispers "Listen." We all go silent to hear whatever we are trying to hear. At first we hear nothing but then we heard a scraping sound from behind us, a scraping like what you can do to a chalk board with chalk, but this sounds even more eerie. It sounds like its something metal sliding across the wall of the sewer. It gets louder and we cover our ears, I turn to see what it is. My eyes widen when I see the axe then I see the man with half a mask. "Run!" I shout. They all turn and see him then we start bolting down the sewer.
We don't stop running until we know we are at a safe distance. We immediately stop when we come across two different sewer ways. We look at both not sure which way to go. "W-where do we go?" Nikki asks scared. We look at both trying to figure out which to take. My eyes widen "Guys we have to take the left one." I say. They look at me confused "Why?" Kyle asks. I look at him "Remmeber the note that man was holding we found? It said to take his gun, get whatever we need from the pantry and to avoid going down the right sewer." Kyle looks at me and says "What if he said take the right one?" I think back to the note and try to remember what he said. I know it said to take his gun and stuff from the pantry and he mentioned something like he hopes Onigatana wouldn't find us, whoever that is. I can't seem to remember which one it was. I sigh and look at Kyle "Its your call." I say. I know that he wouldn't want to do it my way. He leads us down the right sewer. One after another we walk through the sewer with Kyle in lead, then Nikki, then Me, then Grayson behind me.
We keep walking down the sewer, how big is this fucking sewer? It seems like we've been walking for years. I look at the ground while we walk, I don't feel like talking right now. I would've voted going to the left but I know Kyle would pick a fight about it and we don't have time for that right now. All we need to do is get the hell out of here and never come near that god forsaken school again, if those ghosts or whatever they are were trying to tell us to fuck off, then message is received.
Before we even realize what is going on we see Kyle drop, he screams. Panicked we all try to grab him but we don't in time, he slides down the sewer, why the hell is this thing dipping down now? "Kyle!" Nikki shouts down and we hear it echo. "Dude are you okay!?" Grayson shouts down also. We listen for a moment and sigh of relief when we hear "Yeah I'm good! Come down here quickly!" We look at each other confused. "H-hurry!" Kyle shouts sounding terrified. We carefully slide down the sewer one by one. As soon as we get down there is a strong disgusting odor, and it ain't shit or piss. It smells like something is dead, maybe a rat? Its so dark that we can't see much. "Grayson get out your flashlight." I say. He goes through his bag and takes out his flashlight and turns it on. Our hearts drop when we figure out what that smell is. The flashlight points toward a giant pile. Its a pile of bodies and lots of them. Nikki starts crying, Kyle hugs her. I stare in awe at the pile. Grayson points the light to other areas and we see more bodies all over the place. We look toward the ceiling and see people hanging. At this point I start to shake and almost fall to my knees, Grayson catches me before I do and holds me up. "Guys." I begin to whisper to them. They all look at me. "Now we know why that man warned us about the right sewer." I whisper with tears falling.

And now I stop there! I hope you guys like this chapter :) Please vote, follow, and comment it means a lot. Thank you guys so much! I will post the next chapter as soon as I can.

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