Chapter 8. Going Under

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Skylar's POV
We all jump when we hear Nikki scream. "Nikki! What's wrong!?" Kyle shouts through the door. We listen through the door but we don't hear anything at all. Suddenly we hear banging against the wall that's next to the entrance on the outside. Nikki is running from something! We all quickly run down the hallway where we hear the banging. "Guys! Find me a way in!" She screams in terror. I run far ahead of Kyle and Grayson looking for some way Nikki can get in. We come across the same window she crawled out of. I bang against the wall just underneath the window shouting "Nikki! The window!!" I hear her on the other side panting and hear her climbing up. She makes her way through the window. Grayson grabs her arms and helps her down. Nikki sits on the floor with her knees to her chest panting heavily while holding her arm with her hand tightly. "Nikki what happened? What's wrong with your arm?" I ask her gently. She lifts her hand off her arm revealing a large scratch on her arm from her shoulder to her elbow. We all stare at it in awe, not knowing what to do or say. I sit next to her and get out a blanket and tear a piece of it off and carefully wrap it around her wound, she winces in pain slightly. Nikki finally manages to talk after a few minutes "There was a man and he had a axe." We all look at her in shock "Tell us exactly what happened." She explained everything from when she got out through the window up until now. She also explained in detail of how he looked. A chill goes down my spine at the thought of him. Great, now we have to choose between the Children of the Corn or a Jason like maniac. Grayson sits next to me and pats my back, I think he could tell I was scared. I look at my friends and brother "Guys we have got to get some kind of food. We need our strength back." I say. Nikki and Grayson look around for a rabbit or something. Kyle starts digging through his backpack while I set up another fire, its cold as shit in here. Kyle jumps up "Guys! My mom packed us some granola bars!" We all rush over to Kyle "You had them the whole time?" Nikki asks. "I didn't see that my mom put them in there for us." He responds. Kyle takes them out and hands one to each of us. We all quickly open it and eat them. "Sky check to see if mom put something in your bag." Kyle says. I dig around my bookbag and find a bunch of little snacks like Gushers, M&M's, Fruit Roll Ups and a bunch of others. I take them out and evenly distribute them with my friends and I. We all sit on the floor and enjoy eating. It feels like forever since we've been this happy just to eat something. Our smiling faces comes to a quick end when we hear the little children laughing. We all stand up while holding some sort of weapon. We're not gonna take anymore of this shit. We've seen a dead body and a head that was cut from it's own body, our worst fears shown to us as if it was happening right then and there, Nikki was almost killed making it seem like a suicide, and Nikki was almost killed by the Jason maniac just outside. We're done playing the prey in this game. We slowly make our way down the hallway still holding our weapons tightly. We hear the little children's laughs again and stand with our backs facing each other so they couldn't blind spot us. Suddenly from my view the boy comes speeding towards us with a bloody hammer "Duck!" I shout. We all duck at the same time which saves us. Suddenly we all fall on the ground, we were tripped by a wire that the little kids were holding. We scramble to our feet and start to run down the hallway. We look ahead and see a broken piece of the wall, a way out. We run as fast as possible to it. We get only two feet away then it disappears. We all fall back on the ground with confusion, we were imagining the way out. We've definitely lost our minds here. We get up and turn around with our backs against the wall, there's nowhere else to go. The little kids walk up toward us laughing and grinning. We hold our weapons tightly and stare at the kids. For the first time ever, we hear the girl talk "Akki is going to get you." She whispered then giggled. Chills went down my spine from the way she said that sentence. Akki? I'm guessing that's her name, seems creepy enough to match her. She tilts her head some and looks at me "On the outside you don't show your fear, but we know you're very scared, and you should be." She says then giggles again. My friends and brother look at me, I look at the girl "If I were scared I'd be crying right now." I say. She laughs then says in that annoying high pitch voice "My brother and I aren't stupid Skylar." My eyes widen in surprise. Her brother? They're related? She knows my name? They must have been close by listening to our conversations. "Yes we do know your name." She says, breaking the silence and my moment of thinking. She looks at Kyle "You're Kyle, Skylar's brother." She points at Nikki "You're Nikki, Skylar's best friend since second grade." She looks at Grayson and gives a creepy smile "You of course are Grayson, another best friend of Skylar since sixth grade, but I know you wish to be more than best friends." She giggles. More than best friends? What the fuck is going on? My mind thinks back to when Kyle was talking about how he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of a certain someone and before we entered the school and Kyle said come on love birds. Now it makes sense, Grayson likes me. Which I actually should've figured but I guess I just never noticed. It doesn't matter if he likes me or if I like him right now. If we make it out of here alive then maybe I could see if I do like him. My thinking stops when the girl speaks again "I think we've chatted enough now. Let's get down to business." She whispers creepily. She looks over at her brother and says "You know what to do Aku." He gives a creepy smile back to her and nods. Before we can do anything they jump at us. We all fall onto the ground, I don't know what they did to us but whatever it was it started to make us pass out. I feel a bit of blood trickle down my head, they must've hit us with something. I look up some even though my vision is blurry and I'm starting to pass out. I see three figures above us. One figure picks me up and starts to carry me on their shoulder, I look to my side and see my friends and brother also being carried by someone. I pass out before I can see anything else happen.

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