Chapter 15. Allies do exist

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Third POV

Skylar, Nikki, Grayson, and Kyle all stare at the bodies. The room is full of them and there's even people hanging from the ceiling. The floor is covered in blood new and old. Skylar, her friends, and brother don't move at all. They barely even breathe while looking at the sight. The smell is just as worse as the sight, there's bugs everywhere and rats eating corpses. Most corpses are bone, probably older corpses. There's corpses that look like they had just got there yesterday.
Skylar's POV

I can see the light Grayson has is shaking, I take the light from him and pat his back to let him know its okay, he looks at the floor. I lead the way holding the light, my friends and brother walking right behind me. We don't say a word as we walk down the small path there is to get through the piles of dead bodies. This is fucked up! Why are there people down here? Are we actually even seeing this? Why would someone keep bodies down here? I don't understand what's going on.
We finally get through the path and we continue through the sewer. We don't say a word, not even a sound. I can't even hear breathing.
Third POV

Skylar, Kyle, Grayson, and Nikki continue walking down the sewer system. They continue on without a word to each other. Who could blame them? They just saw piles and piles of bodies. After a while they all become very tired from all the walking.
Skylar's POV

"Guys maybe we should rest for the night." I say after our very long period of silence. They all stop and sit on the floor and nod in agreement. I sit next to Grayson while Nikki and Kyle sit across from us. Nikki keeps her eye contact toward the floor. Kyle just looks around the room while Grayson lies down on the ground staring at the ceiling. "Do you think we will get out of here?" Grayson asks breaking the silence. We all look at him "I know we will." I respond before Kyle or Nikki could answer. "We haven't gotten this far for nothing." I continue, he nods understanding. Before Grayson could say anything more Nikki screams. We jump up and I take out the gun "What's wrong!?" I ask worried. "A mouse just ran across my leg!" She complained. I roll my eyes and look for the mouse. Its hiding underneath a old barrel. "That's not a mouse." I say. "What is it then?!" She asks scared. "Its just a rat." I say calmly. Nikki squeals and hides behind Kyle. Grayson, Kyle, and I burst out laughing. Nikki gives us a dirty look "Oh shut up." She says while we are still laughing. "Kyle I just hope you're okay with that spider on your back." Nikki says. Kyle jumps up immediately and runs in circles "Get it off me!!" He shouts scared while trying to reach his back. Nikki starts laughing hard as Kyle trips on his own foot and falls on the ground. He sits up glaring at Nikki. Kyle tries to be mad at her but he just ends up laughing as well. I'm glad that we are still able to joke like we used to. After all this I wouldn't think it would ever be like that again, but knowing my friends and brother we always have our jokes. Our laughter immediately stops when we hear a scratching sound again. We just can't catch a break can we? We all stand up with our backs only facing each other. I hold up the gun while the rest pick up a melee weapon. We face the direction of the sound thinking it will be that big guy again but its not. The figure comes out of the shadows and my heart drops. Its some sort of creature, it has a body of a panther, a tail like a scorpion, its face is the scariest thing I've ever seen. The head is not a animal, it's a giant baby doll head with spikes coming out the top of his head. The creature growls and I can see its about to pounce. "Run!" I shout. My friends and brother immediately start running with me running after them. I turn to look over my shoulder and see the creature running after us. "Don't stop running!" I shout after them. We keep running but I see that the creature is getting much closer. I cock my gun and shoot it at the creature. The creature growls in anger, the bullet only skimmed his leg. "Shit!" I say to myself while running. Suddenly we hear the creature fall hard to the ground and hear a voice behind us. We stop and turn around and we see someone holding a large torch and pointing it close to the creature saying angrily "Get back! I said back!" We also see another person who's a bit taller also holding a torch. The creature growls then backs up. The person makes a burn mark on the creature's foot. The creature yelps in pain and runs away from us fast. The person turns to us "Y'all alright?" The voice asks. "I-i think so." I stutter while panting. "Who are you?" Kyle asks. The two people are wearing a hoodie so we can't see who they are. They looks at us and put down their hoodie and show their face. "Name's Harper." She says with a country accent. "And that's Arsen."

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